No movie tonight, due to the Oscars, which I watched in their entirety here at Pearl's. In retrospect, I wish I had watched my final Durango Kid movie. Um.....I promise I won't go on a tirade because I don't wanna take the fun out of the ceremony for anyone who enjoyed it - and I have always been a die-hard Oscar fanatic myself as you know - but I've gotta be honest with you : I was really on the ropes with this one, starting at about a half-hour in. I surprised myself by making it through the telecast, but for me it was the worst Academy Awards show I have ever seen.
(sorry) :(
To be fair, and to put part of the blame on myself, I did not know any of these movies. Well, two of them : "First Man" and "Mary Poppins Returns", both of which I loved, and which won a single Oscar between them. Now, I do want to see "Bohemian Rhapsody", and perhaps "Green Book", "A Star Is Born" and "Roma"........but again, to be honest with you, I do not feel compelled to see any of them immediately. I mean...I will see them eventually, so don't count me a curmudgeon.
It's just that.......I dunno, I guess about five years ago or thereabouts, new movies began to grab me less and less. I just feel that The Movies, as they are now, are not the same as The Movies I have always known and loved. And you know how much I love Movies.
But I don't like CGI, because every CGI movie looks exactly the same (c'mon, admit it), and computer effects look lousy compared to model photography in a movie like "2001". And I don't wanna go see Marvel Comics movies. Yeah, I guess I'm an old geezer, but on my behalf, I have become accustomed to watching Criterion classics by directors like Mizoguchi. I know Cuaron is good, but......well you know.
I am used to classic cinema - or just plain "good movies", and I am in love with the Golden Era of Hollywood, and also with my old fashioned entertainment flicks, so many of which we have recently been reviewing.
But it's not entirely the lack, on my part, of "pictures I've seen" that prevented me from enjoying the Oscars tonight. There have been other years when I had not seen more than a few of the nominated films.
It's just that the Oscars have become generic, to put it bluntly. They might as well be the MTV Awards or some other of the ubiquitous crossover awards shows that have overpopulated the scene, crowded with disposable celebrities instead of actual Stars. I didn't recognise half the presenters on tonight's show, and the ones I did know - Daniel Craig, etc. - were not really what you would call Major Hollywood Stars. The Oscars used to really have some glamour. Not any more. It's just a politically correct celebrity feel-good show now.
Queen did a great job to open the show, but it's not suposed to be a rock concert. See what I mean about the comparison to the MTV Awards or American Idol. The Oscars need a host, like Johnny Carson or Billy Crystal, and there was none.
Well, I said I wouldn't go on a tirade, and I'm not mad about it anyway, just sad. The Oscars used to be a Big Deal. Now, it just generic with a capital G, and I will bet you that they got their lowest ratings ever this year. I'm not a curmudgeon, just someone who cares about the Academy Awards.
That's all I have to say. Next year I will stick with The Durango Kid. /////
I did get to sing another solo in church this morning, so that was a nice surprise because I wasn't expecting it. When Pearl and I got there, our choir director asked me if I'd like to sing the second verse of our anthem by myself, and I said yes because I have really enjoyed the other chances I've had. I've been trying to develop and improve my voice during the four years I've been in choir, and I will keep singing every chance they give me, so if you know me (or even if you don't), come on out and give a listen some Sunday. :)
Also today, the Sun came out and the weather was beautiful for a change, near 70 degrees. Our first semi-warm day in about six weeks. After church, I went to O'Melveny Park for a hike. The trail was jam packed, full of folks like me (California cold wimps, haha) who had been cooped up and were jonesin' to get out there. Man did it feel good. Spring can't come soon enough, and hopefully without the gale force wind of last year (I'm not just a cold wimp but an all around inclement weather wimp, lol). ////
Last night I mentioned some of my favorite pieces by Bach. Tonight I will mention one by Chopin. Please excuse if I make these choices out of order according to my Top Ten Composers list. I think I had Schubert in second place, but anyway, tonight I was thinking of the Sonata #3 by Frederic Chopin, especially the Largo section, and it has to be played by Dinu Lipatti, who - to me - was the Soul Of Pianists. If you like piano music, give it a listen. I think it is beyond beautiful.
Chopin Sonata #3 in B minor Op 58, part 3 "Largo", played by Dinu Lipatti. Available on Youtube.
Much love until morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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