I've got nothing to report, but I'm checking in anyway just to keep the blog going. I'm as sick of all this waiting as you are. I haven't watched a movie since Halloween, nor begun another book since I finished Rob Halford's "Confess" about ten days ago. Before the election I was too nervous to read or watch, and now I'm too distracted. I keep switching from MSNBC to CNN, and even to Fox, looking for any available updates. Steve Kornacki has become the man of the moment for the entire nation.
But please.......somebody call this thing already. We need to get rid of Trump, but just as importantly if not more so, we need to get rid of Trump-ism, to get the focus off all the chaos and unpleasantness brought about by one man's deranged psyche that encouraged his nuttiest followers to come marching out of the woodwork. I can understand (sort of) the rank-and-file Republicans, "Ma and Pa Conservative", who voted for Trump because he represents their party and they feel the need to keep Democrats out of the White House. Even though I disagree vehemently with most Republican ideas, I can still respect folks who hold basic, conservative views, and who vote Republican no matter what. However, in a quick aside, I must ask myself a question : "Hey Ad, what would you do, if the Democratic Party nominated a dangerous kook? Say, a Far Left version of Trump. A full-on Communist megalomaniac". I can answer that question without flinching. If the kook's Republican opponent was a standard issue politician, a professional in other words, I'd vote for him instead of the kook. I'd vote against my own party, in other words, to avoid helping a crazy man become President.
Now, I'm sitting here wondering why Donald Trump still got 70 million votes. We all know about his core, a worrisome percentage of people, a lot of them gun nuts and 'Muricans, who voted for him precisely because of what he espoused, not in spite of it. But how many militia members and rednecks are there in this country? I'm talking "full on", like full on AR-15 maniacs and hard core racists? How many exist? One million? Five million? Ten? If it's the latter, that would mean that one in seven of Trump voters is a full on crazy person, and that's pretty scary. I'd like to think the number is not that high. The FBI, or at least the non-Barr faction, would know for sure, and I hope to God they are monitoring these people like they always did in the past.
I ask because Trump is like Charles Manson. He's quite a bit like him in fact. He's a con man with great charisma and a force of personality who is able to project his psyche onto other people in order to use them for his own purposes. Trump has an enormous psychic reservoir, which in his case was enabled by the media, which allowed him to spread his personality and his message on a nationwide scale. Manson had no tv coverage until he was caught, but he was still able to get young hippie girls to kill for him, by convincing them to do so. We have evidence of what a powerful sociopath can do, and I have thought for a while now that it would behoove us, not just as a nation but as a world society, to undertake a Major League Study, on the level of a psychiatric Manhattan Project, to identify the signs and traits of a blossoming psychopath in the same way we identify autism or other behavioral disorders. I mean, I'm sure that is done already, but it needs to be done most assuredly on men (or women, though they seem less susceptible to sociopathy) who seek power, or any position of authority.
The prime trait of a sociopath is the ability to deceive, to fit in as "normal" and hide their intentions. Trump was not a classic sociopath in that sense, because he always telegraphed to his followers exactly what he felt. But remember that he had spent the decades previous to his run for the Presidency simply as "The Donald", a semi-handsome rich guy who was known only as a bling-bling celebrity real estate magnate, who appeared in People magazine. He was quiet in those days, other than talking about his fabulous wealth and building projects. But as a true sociopath, he had a plan to gain power. And ultimately, he achieved it, and as he did his true personality came out, and we saw the monster.
Make no mistake (and I'm sure you won't), Trump is a monster. He's not just a whiner or a racist or a crook.
He's a very bad guy. The only thing that held him in check is that he was operating in America, where we can say "Fuck You" to the President, and where half of us can spot a sociopath coming a mile away.
For me, reading Mary Trump's book was quite enlightening, and I believe it will be the final word on Trump. Mary Trump asks the question, "Why does the media treat him as if he is normal"? What she means is "why do they treat him as if he is merely an asshole, rather than a certifiable sociopath"?
As noted, she is a PhD, a clinical psychologist. She's got her Uncle nailed down.
He's a psycho, and he's brought the crazies out of the woodwork.
His personality disorder is not all that different from Charles Manson's.
It's no joke, and he cannot be allowed to remain any kind of force in American politics. He, and his cronies like Steve Bannon, absolutely must be dealt with , because they are not joking in what they say.
I hope Joe Biden will reinstate a strong Justice Department and go after these people. They need to be brought to account. To do otherwise, to let them linger in the American political conversation, would be to everyone's peril.
Sorry for yet another political post, and I apologize also for unfinished thoughts. I am too tired to edit a rant right now, haha, and I hate all this stuff to begin with. But I was born in 1960, and I grew up during a time of idealism, in politics and in culture. JFK and The Beatles. I went to an integrated elementary school in 1967 that had every kind of kid you could imagine. But all we ever thought of ourselves as, was kids.
What kills me is the regression in this country. We were already moving forward in the 1960s! Black folks were moving into the middle class, becoming doctors and lawyers. We even had a black congresswoman, Shirley Chisolm, who ran for President. What Trump has done has been to take everything backwards, and to make people think it's always been this way. But it hasn't.
We were moving forward, forward, forward. I've been there to witness it.
All of this is why we absolutely cannot allow Donald Trump to walk away. He's got to pay a price for what he has done here, and so do his henchmen.
I hope the Biden justice department is listening. /////
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