Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

 Howdy folks, and Happy Saturday. We'll try to get the blog back on track here while I continue the launch of my book "Pearl the Wonder Girl", which - in case you missed the announcement - is now on sale exclusively at Look for it in the Lulu Bookstore search engine, or you can copy and paste this link:

Anyway, how have things been going? Are you all-in on Kamala Harris? You are if you're a lock-step Dem, which I am not, but let's not tee off on her just yet. How about a movie instead? I don't have a Montgomery Clift, but I saw "Longlegs" last Tuesday with my sister. Without giving any spoilers, I'll say that it was more creepy than scary, and has things in common with "Silence of the Lambs". I thought the cinematography and overall design of the film was excellent and reminiscent of '70s Horror. Nicholas Cage's performance is reason enough to see it, though he is not the star. That would be Maika Monroe, who plays a psychic FBI agent working to catch a serial killer. Her performance is a little off-putting until you understand why she's acting that way. The director, Oz Perkins, has built-in genetic horror credibility by being the son of Anthony Perkins, and he does a good job maintaining the tension throughout. My main problem was that the backstory wasn't developed, i.e. how things came to be the way they were for the killer and his victims. However, just because of the overall weirdness (T. Rex, anyone?), I think it has the potential to become a Halloween night cult-classic. It's definitely worth a view in the theater, and again, even though Cage is only onscreen for less than half the movie, they just don't make characters like this very often, and when they do, only he can play them.

Back to politics, as briefly as we can manage because we can't stand politics, it's safe to say that the coronation of Kamala Harris is now complete. Barring a miracle, she is going to be our next President, and no one even voted for her. She was selected by the California power brokers who back-stabbed Joe Biden and who want to turn America into an unrecognizable Woke Nation. Harris is of marginal intelligence, is privileged, slept with a married man to get her start, and it's all just a joke at this point, because the alternative is Trump. I will be sitting this election out. And believe it or not, as distateful as it is to me, I will be rooting for Trump to win because he is a known quantity and thus an entity we can control. A Harris presidency scares me far worse, because she belongs to the cabal of self-satisfied, ultra-left commies who won't stop until their communist agenda is instituted. If you wanna talk about a threat to democracy, you just saw one. In one week, she has literally gone from a low-rated Veep to the greatest thing since sliced bread in the eyes of the team-sport Left media who control the hive mind of Dem voters. Again, Harris didn't go through a primary. If she had, she would've dropped out, just like she did in 2020, because without the media's "sugar rush" coronation, timed to go hand-in-hand with the Ides of March job on Biden (initiated by Clooney, representing Hollywood), she is a nothing candidate who doesn't inspire voters. Kamala is a quick study. All one needs to see is her everpresent grin, which - even when she tries to hide it - is visible in her eyes. It isn't a smile of serenity but a grin of surprised pride, as if to say, "look what a few dates with Willie Brown got me!", and when Harris becomes president, you can wait for 6 dollar gas, continued sky-high food prices, off-the-charts inflation, and the continued trashing of American Values that has taken place under the Diversity Agenda that places no value on merit. But don't take my word for it. Listen to Victor Davis Hanson, a classical historian. Here he is speaking about Woke at Stanford University. Make sure and watch all three clips:

"The Strange Case of Woke" with Victor Davis Hanson.

I wish Shirley Chisholm was still with us. Now there was a woman of substance.

Well, I'll shut up because I don't like raining on parades. Enjoy your Harris presidency. 

I'm listening to King's X "Black Like Sunday" as I write. I don't know why KX fans bagged on this album when it was released in 2003. The songs are all reworked versions of early material that was written when the band was still called Sneak Preview, and in general they are more poppy than classic KX, but they're still good songs - very melodic with the usual great singing and playing. If you are a KX fan, dig out your "BLS" CD and give it a spin. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised to re-discover this album and hear how good it sounds 21 years later.

And that's all for today. We'll get back to longer and more in-depth blogs shortly. Be sure to watch the Victor Davis Hanson clips.   

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