Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024

(late edit) : Before you read this blog, I beseech you to watch this interview:

Once you have watched, pass it along. Thank you.

Now, for the blog...

Well folks, I don't know what to tell you. I apologize for being late again, but it's getting harder to write about things "fun and light" when there is so much evil being uncovered. There's also the onrushing election, coming at us like a runaway train, and I don't know about you but it's got me laser-focused because I've never been so worried, politically, in my life. I won't be able to relax until this woman is gone.

Did you guys see that video of Obama lecturing those young Black men, like he was their Dad? He treated them not as individuals but as a group. He even called them "brothers" (which he pronounced "bruthas"). How insulting. What an a-hole. Unlike everyone else, I never was enamored with Obama. Lefties thought he was The Messiah (wrong!) but to me, he was just the jerk who, with the help of a-hole David Axlerod, shoved Hillary out of the way of the 2008 nomination. I was a poll worker in the General Election that year (in West L.A.). We worked that day from 6:30 am to about 10 pm. I'd never seen such a long line in my life, and when it was announced that Obama won, cheers went up and horns honked in the street. I thought, "okay, people love this guy" and as the years of his presidency went by, I "kind of" grew to like him. He seemed personable and the fact that he made Hillary his Secretary of State definitely helped. But still, he wasn't much of a president. More of a slick, used car salesman. He tried to force everyone to buy Obamacare and he made the war worse in Afghanistan. In foreign policy, he wasn't much different than the Neocons, and I thought he was really just George W. Bush in a Democratic suit. The difference was that he was a much better speaker. And, sorry, but I couldn't stand Michelle. She was the most arrogant, ungracious First Lady the country has ever seen. Some say she's an America Hater.

Well, anyway. I'm disappointed that even Bill Clinton is stumping for Kamala Harris, who makes the Obamas look like Red State Patriots. Maybe he'd be the puppetmaster if she won, I don't know, but let's forget politics for the moment...(I'm thinking of moving to a Red State).

We've got 2009 to deal with. My life gets more revelatory with each day, and I realize I've been surrounded by bad guys for most of my life. One thing I want to absolutely stress, with zero doubt, is that Lilly is not included in that group. No matter what has happened in her life, or what her experience has been, she is a good person. I say this in case she is reading. I know she's on the Good Side and I'm on her side in every way, even though I haven't seen her for almost 30 years. And I know God will bless her, now and always.

This 2009 thing is so far off the charts that it almost leaves me speechless. The audacity of certain people knows no bounds. Unfortunately for them, it will also be their downfall, because hypnosis wears off. Memory eventually returns, especially when you work as hard as I have to bring it back. Karen On A Mattress In The Living Room.

These people thought they could do whatever they wanted in life, step on whoever they wanted, persecute and threaten whoever they wanted. Hound and hassle whoever they wanted. They like to control things behind the scenes, and when caught, they try to stage-manage their situation, communicating in secret to keep their stories straight.

They also blackmail each other, or threaten blackmail. One guy, a particular asshole, has an "if I go down I'm taking everybody with me" mentality.

I've been thinking a lot about Pat lately. He died broke. He lived in his car and in homeless shelters for most of the last year of his life, while he was dying of cancer. He was flat broke after working since he was 13 years old. I thought about that, and I wondered, "what happened to his money? Surely he had some savings after fifty years." I thought about the people who showed up at his memorial service who didn't really know him, and I wonder: was Pat being blackmailed? And even if it wasn't a monetary blackmail, was he being blackmailed or threatened in other ways, by the people I am talking about?

I ask this because Pat is a central figure both in 1989 and 2009. Oh yes. Pat, for all his involvement in bad scenarios (and with the wrong people) was the only person who ever tried to explain things to me. On August 11, 1989, after the Freddy Krueger movie at the UA Granada Hills (which many of the bad guys attended), he tried to explain to me what was happening in my life, which was monumental. He knew more about my life than I did. For that effort, I thank him.

There's no turning back now, from all of this. This has got to be the Endgame. The bad guys have got to be defeated. I've done all I can, and I'll keep going, but there is no turning back from what I know.

The hour of the wolf is over. ///

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