Note: I began this blog last night but didn't finish because I was too tired. I had actually written a fair amount, but when I read back it I saw that most of it was a political tirade, and other than the occasional comment or one-liner, I don't want to include politics in my blogs. Everyone knows how I feel and what my opinions are, so I will leave the tirades to the professionals and keep this blog dedicated to the arts and weird stuff (and sometimes dumb stuff too). Therefore, what I wrote last night has been edited down, and I am filling the empty space with impromptu musings from tonight. The blog will be a mishmash, then, but it's all I've got because tonight I went over to Grimsley's and have no movie to review. By tomorrow, several new motion pictures will be in hand and all will be well. But for now........
(from 5/20/2019) Tonight I am listening to a symphony by Anton Bruckner while I write, having gone through all the Mahler symphonies during the past couple of weeks. Bruckner was supposed to be a major symphonist, so I thought I'd give him a try. This is his 8th Symphony and it's pretty bombastic, with lots of brass, but it still has some lovely, dramatic string interludes that sound similar to Wagner and Mahler, the kind of sweeping, emotional music that you might hear in a melodramatic movie by Douglas Sirk. Lately I'm on a symphonic kick, and on the lookout for new material, so this week it'll be Bruckner, conducted by Herbert von Karajan if possible. He was one of the greatest conductors who ever lived. No one could make an orchestra sound smoother. Everything he conducted has a velvety quality.
Well anyhow, listen to a symphony if you feel like it. It doesn't have to be a big deal, or something that feels pretentious. It's just music, and you might find that you like it. Pick a composer, any composer, and get started. :)
This afternoon I began a new book : "Solving 9/11 - The Deception That Changed The World" by Christopher Bollyn. I am always looking for interesting 9/11 books that I've not yet read. There aren't many of them these days, because - unlike, say, the JFK assassination - researchers seem to have given up on 9/11 for the most part. This book by Bollyn actually was published in 2012, so even it is already seven years old. I knew it was controversial when I bought it, even among "alternative" 9/11 theories, because Bollyn's central premise is that the government of Israel played a main role in planning and executing the attacks. Specifically he names Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad (their version of the CIA).
It is decidedly non-PC to blame Israel for anything, even though they have a right wing that is even more reactionary than our own and a high tech military that pounds down the hapless Palestinians on a regular basis. But it is common knowledge that, if you say anything against the far right Israeli government, you will be labeled as anti-semitic. This is the plight of Christopher Bollyn and his book.
Me, I don't subscribe to politically correct baloney. Regarding crimes, of which 9/11 certainly was, any given theory is either true or it isn't. And since it is 100% clear that the American government's theory is a deliberate lie, then the truth must be searched for elsewhere. I am only 25 pages into the book, but the first evidence Bollyn presents for Mossad involvement is the arrest and detainment of five young Israeli men who were caught celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center shortly after the planes hit the buildings. A woman in an apartment called police when she noticed the men standing atop their van, filming the disaster and high-fiving one another. They were dancing and celebrating, she said. This was in the news for a day or two but then was quickly forgotten. But research shows, and video is available on Youtube, that these young men, who were Israeli citizens living in NYC, "worked" for a "moving company" in the city that turned out to be a Mossad front. This is not speculation but confirmed fact. The Youtube video is available that shows the young men being interviewed on Israeli televison after they were let go by the FBI and deported back to their home country. On camera, one of the men says that it was their job to "document" the event. And they celebrated it. That much is fact, as reported by the eyewitness who called the cops, and the FBI who felt it was reason enough to hold the men for several weeks.
Later on, their Mossad connections were revealed, and it was clear that they had foreknowledge of the attacks. It was also revealed that an Israeli owned text messaging service called Odigo sent out a text warning Israeli citizens who worked in the towers that "something big" was going to happen that day, and that they should not come to work.
This is as far as I have read in the book, and it is information that I was already aware of from years past, due to my ongoing research of the covered-up events that have happened in my lifetime, but author Bollyn lays out the details of what happened with the Israeli celebrants so that the reader can understand how their complicity in the attacks and their involvement with Mossad was corroborated.
From what I am reading, I think it is pretty clear that Mossad was involved in the attacks. It has been researched and proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the government of Israel was behind the coverup of their military's 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, which killed 34 American sailors. We are supposed to be allies, the United States and Israel, but in real life there have been demonic incidents of terrorism, like the Liberty attack, that suggest otherwise. You can read all about it in Philip Nelson's book "Remember The Liberty", which leaves no doubt about what happened.
However, as Nelson points out, Israel could never initiate an attack on the United States without our own blessings. In Nelson's book, he lays out in detail how the Liberty attack was masterminded by Lyndon Johnson, to be used for his benefit as a false flag incident, similar to what he used in the Gulf Of Tonkin to start the Vietnam War. Hitler was a genius at this tactic; you burn your own building down (the Bundestag) and blame it on your enemy.
In the case of the USS Liberty, Israel carried out the attack, but it was ordered by the President of The United States, Lyndon B. Johnson, a maniac. He ordered his own ship to be sunk and had Israeli forces carry it out. This is proven, and so it is no stretch to say that the Israelis could have once again agreed to help another President carry out mass murder on 9/11, and there is no doubt they did so. But they didn't order it or mastermind it, because in the end they are a small country dependent on our defense dollars.
Nonetheless, they have a precision military armed to the teeth with US technology, and it is clear that they have acted as lap dogs to help sociopathic US regimes, such as LBJ and Bush 2, carry out mass murder against the American people. ////
That's all I have to say about that, though I could say a lot more.
Just as I encourage you to listen to classical music, so as not to limit yourself, I also encourage you to read well-researched books about the subjects I have mentioned in this blog and in others that I have written about over the years. I think it is very important for folks to learn the truth about things, otherwise.......well, what do you think "otherwise" could come down to?
You should ask yourself that question.
I am not saying you should protest, or rant and rave and join the far left or far right, but just that you should read, and that you should read only the most well researched books available, and none that are on the bestseller lists, written by members of the mainstream media. You would be wasting your time, for instance, to read a book about the Iraq war written by a New York Times or Washington Post reporter, because such a book is going to parrot the official line, even if the author is "against the war".
Stay away from mainstream media reporting, because you will only get "two sides of the same coin" phoney baloney spin, courtesy of the CIA, which controls the media in this country.
That's the truth, disbelieve it at your peril, so do some reading for yourself and don't be lazy (if you are so inclined).
That's all I know for tonight. This blog turned out to be a political mishmash anyway, despite my efforts to the contrary, but tomorrow night I will have some movies to watch and things will be more pleasant.
But read those books. I could suggest dozens. ////
See you in the morning. Tons of love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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