Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Truth Matters

(This part of the blog is from last night, August 1, 2019) : Tonight I watched Episode 4 of Spielberg's "Taken". This show just gets weirder and weirder, folks. We have jumped ahead to 1970. The sinister Colonel Crawford, who has been at the helm of the Roswell coverup for 23 years, is being forced out of his position after summoning the President to the site of a crop circle in Indiana, which has turned out to be a deliberate hoax perpetrated by someone who wants to make him look bad.

I have to interject here to say that I myself do not think that crop circles, in general, are hoaxes. While it is possible, I suppose, that some of the simpler patterns might have been created by yokels armed with scythes, two-by-fours and lengths of rope - and even there I will only say "might have" - there is no way on Earth that the more complex and ultra-precise patterns were made in this way. I am not saying that UFOs made them, although that is a possibility, for it is a certainty that UFOs exist and have mindboggling technological capabilities. All I am saying is that with crop circles, there is zero chance that most of them were made by Billy Bob and Jimmy John in the middle of a single night.

I mean, please. Is there a chance you could give me a break?

But at any rate, in this episode, the usually circumspect Colonel Crawford (who is also a psycho killer, remember) is for some reason taken in by the prank of the Crop Circler, who has done a pretty good job with his Circle, but not enough that it should be taken for an Alien Landing Strip, as Crawford designates it.

So now he is on the way out, and at the end of his military career. His son, however, a budding journalist from UC Berkeley, takes up his father's cause with a vengeance. The next thing we know, he has journeyed up to Alaska, where an archaeological dig has uncovered an ancient burial ground located at the end of a tunnel. Painted on the walls of the tomb are strange hieroglyphics in no known language. Also, a mummy has been unearthed.

The Alaskan locals are not pleased about the dig, and the town Sheriff is especially pissed off. The townsfolk apparently have a very dark secret that they are not willing to talk about, involving some unusual children who are rumored to live out in the woods.

No, we're not talking about the Children Of The Corn. That was from another movie (and it was better than we thought, eh?).

But no, in "Taken", where we are up in the dark forests of Alaska, we are talking about some hybrid children who were conceived in the 50s and have been hidden away all their lives.

(this part of the blog is from tonight, August 2, 2019) : No movie tonight because Grimsley came over. He wanted to tell me about the David Crosby documentary that is currently playing in theaters. I am interested in seeing it too, because Crosby is quite a character, not to mention a legendary figure in the history of rock n' roll. Grim is a huge fan of his; my own interest is more peripheral, so I will probably wait for the dvd and then reserve it from the Libe.

He also asked me if I'd seen the new Tarantino flick, "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood". I said no, but that I wanted to see it - even though I think QT is basically a hack director with the exception of "Pulp Fiction" - because of the supposed "big reveal" about the Manson case. The posts I've seen on Facebook all mention a surprise ending. I've been averting my eyes whenever I see such a post, because I don't want any spoilers, but I inadvertently read enough of one to get the idea that the Big Deal about the movie is that it shreds the whole "Helter Skelter" race war theory behind the motive for the Manson murders, and suggests something more prosaic, like a Hollywood sex and drugs connection that was covered up by the cops.

I don't know if this more current theory is what is in Tarantino's movie, but if it is, then he isn't the first person to suggest such a thing. I've followed the case on and off for much of my adult life and have read many books on the subject, including Jeff Guinn's "Manson" (2013), in which the author went back to Indiana and Ohio to interview Charlie's surviving relatives, i.e. his real Family, and those folks put the lie to much of the cosmic mythology surrounding Manson and the sensational press coverage his case has received for all these years. The more I read, the less that prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi's book "Helter Skelter" seemed the real version of events.

Now I have just begun a book called "Chaos : Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the 60s", and this book already feels like the real thing. We already know about the LSD brainwashing experiments done by the Agency during the 1950s and 60s. We know about MK Ultra. We know about Laurel Canyon and the very interesting and coincidental military intelligence backgrounds of almost all of the fathers of the rock musicians who became famous after moving to that rustic neighborhood.

In short, we know all about the CIA influence on the creation of the "turn on, tune in, drop out" Hippie movement of the late-1960s, just in time to derail the more serious nationwide college student uprising against the Vietnam War. Just as the CIA introduced crack cocaine into the black communities of America in the late 70s and early 80s, in order to stop the black upward mobility into the middle class (which was already happening in the 1960s), so did they introduce LSD into the hippie scenes across the country in the late 60s, to get the young people so stoned that they could no longer organise against the war. They wanted to discredit the youth movement in general. LSD was their weapon.

I don't yet know where Charles Manson and his followers fit in to all of this government brainwashing, because I have only just begun the book, but it is well known that Charlie was exposed to, and became an ardent follower of, Scientology during his long stint in prison before his release in 1967. It has also been suggested that he had a "handler" when he was behind bars, someone who was aware of his natural abilities in the ways of mind control and may have helped him to sharpen them.

Was Manson a "project" of the CIA? This theory has been put forward before, in different books, but always with little to no evidence. In this case, however, Tom O'Neil has included that reference in his book's title, and he claims in his prologue that Bugliosi fabricated the whole "Helter Skelter" angle in order to secure convictions of the killers, and also perhaps for a more devious protect the cops who were covering up a huge mess behind the Manson murders, that involved a lot of lowlife, hedonistic sex-and-drug people in the movie and music businesses.

I would bet you a nickle (or even more) that some version of that theory is closer to what really happened. As you know, I have had a similar theory over the years to explain as least part of what happened to me in 1989, which certainly involved sex, and drugs, and psychopaths with occult behaviors, such as Jared Rappaport, the CSUN professor who kidnapped and tortured me inside his house in September of that year.

So I dislike these kinds of people with a passion, these Hollywood types who engage in degenerate behavior in a wanton manner, and I hate the whole "swinger culture", because what lies behind it is sadism and violence. If you don't believe me, ask the women from the metoo# movement, which was born out of Hollywood.

Hollywood makes a ton of money, the cops cover for those moneymakers, and so if a Frankenstein's Monster like Manson (or O.J.) goes haywire and slaughters people, the coppers and the prosecutors and the newspapers make sure to keep the names of others involved out of the general picture.

It took a long time for the public to be made aware of the truth surrounding the JFK assassination, but after more than 50 years, it is safe to say that we know who was behind it. Thank goodness we have diligent researchers who never give up. We also now know the truth about the Martin Luther King assassination. It seems to take about 50 years for the truth to come out in these cases. The truth about the death of James Forrestal took 55 years to be revealed. 9/11 is the most sought after subject that researchers are currently working on, and we are getting toward the truth in that case also.

Here in America, it's just lie after lie after lie. Look at the President we have. The whole thing is a joke.

But Americans themselves, despite our problems, are by and large a good people, and one day we will put an end to all the lies and phony "national security" secrets. The secret keepers will lose their control and the various truths about important, life altering subjects will be known, and when that happens (and it will, but not because of a phony like Julian Assange), we will all see what an eff-ed up mess we've been living in.

We need to know the truth of things if America is to continue. If Charles Manson turns out to have been a CIA construct, then let's hear about it. This new book "Chaos" is a page turner. I will report back on it as necessary. I have also begun another book by Robert Heinlein, "Starship Troopers", one of his most famous works.

Man does it ever start off with a bang! Instantly I can see again why he is considered the Godfather Of Sci-Fi.

So that's all I have for tonight. Sorry about the socio-political tirade, but doggone it, it's soon gonna be thirty years since 1989 happened to me, and still, to this day, not a single person, from the people I once knew who know all about it, to the people in the government agencies to which I've sent FOIA requests, not one has ever even acknowledged that anything happened, let alone what it was all about or the details.

I have lived my life for the past thirty years trying and hoping to learn what happened to me, and hoping to process it so I can "move on" (whatever that means), but not a single person has ever come forward to help me, even though many people have information that would be of help.

People who would call themselves my friends, and even one person who was closer, have let me twist in the wind all this time........

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