Well folks, it's official......(drum roll, please): My second book has been published on Lulu. It's called "The Summer of Green Parrots", and as previously noted it is primarily the story of me & Pearl, with the backdrop of my years as her caregiver. But it's also a whole lot more. To see the cover, go to Lulu.com and enter the title in their search engine. Now, here I need to give advance warning about the price. As I did with "Pearl the Wonder Girl", I designed the first edition of "Parrots" as a deluxe "linen wrap" hardcover, which comes with a dust jacket...the works. I wanted these editions mainly for myself, to have the nicest presentation of each book for my personal collection. With "Wonder Girl", I think Lulu's print price was something like 27 bucks (it was a 443 page book), so my "deluxe" hardcover copy cost me apprx. 35 dollars with shipping and tax. Obviously, I didn't expect anyone else to pay that much, so I put out a softcover edition for global distribution on Amazon and other websites. But even with that one, I had to charge 25 bucks, because - while the print cost was only $12-something - the "global distribution" cost from Lulu was over ten bucks! That brought my total cost for each book to apprx. 23 dollars. I wanted to make at least something on each book, so I set a 25 dollar price. That's a lot, I know. That's why I jokingly said "just think of it as two fast food meals. Skip those (just two) and you'll break even".
I'd have liked to charge around 15 to 20 bucks for "Pearl the Wonder Girl" (good value for a 443 page totally awesome book) but Lulu wouldn't let me. Once you desigate your book for "global distribution", it comes with a "lowest possible list price", and mine was the aforementioned 23 dollars. That was for "Pearl the Wonder Girl", softcover edition.
Well, get this: as noted, my first edition of "The Summer of Green Parrots" is once again the deluxe hardcover (because I wanted a fancy copy for myself). The print cost was 20 bucks & change. But when I designated it for "global distribution" (which gets you on Amazon), all of a sudden, the price was jacked up to 41 bucks! Double the print cost! It goes without saying that this is Totally Outregis Philbin. Nobody's gonna pay that and I don't expect 'em to. I don't know why it went up so much. "Parrots" is only 288 pages long, it has a lower print cost than "Wonder Girl", and yet the hardcover is nine dollars more than that book. What gives? I thought maybe it was due to Trump's tariffs, or Biden's inflation...
Heck, I don't know. My point is, it's embarassing to have such a high price put on my book, but it's not my doing. Not to worry, though, because I will soon have a softcover edition available (asap), and hopefully I can cut the price down to at least $25 bucks (remember, that's only two fast food meals!), so please hang in there if you are an interested reader. Thanks in advance for your patience.
But yeah, for now, you can go to Lulu.com and put "The Summer of Green Parrots" into the search window, so you can see what the book looks like. I did the cover myself, once again using Canva...
...and (drum roll again, please), because without missing a beat, I've already begun work on my third book, which has a "placeholder" title of "2009". I'm not sure what the actual title will be just yet, but I've got some ideas in mind. Whatever I end up calling it, I'm shooting for a release date of April 2026. Yeah, that's over a year away, but it will be worth the wait. This book is not gonna mess around.
Movies: watching the Vietnam Voices series on Youtube inspired me to watch "We Were Soldiers" again. I mentioned in the last blog that it was the overwhelming favorite of the veterans interviewed in that series. I saw it once previously, about 15 or 20 years ago (and didn't remember it), but this time it hit me full force. Now, I agree with the veterans: I think it's the greatest Vietnam War movie ever made. I read up on Colonel Hal Moore afterward (on whose book it was based), and I think Mel Gibson nailed his performance.
Last night, I watched another good one, recommended by Tarantino: "The Seige of Firebase Gloria".
Give both a watch, if you're in a Vietnam War mode.
I haven't listened to much music for the past week, because I've been proofing and formatting the book (which requires focus), but when it was done, and I got finally got it published (three years and four months after I started writing it), I put on a single, three and a half minute piece of music to celebrate and relax:
"Tennessee" by Hans Zimmer, from the Pearl Harbor soundtrack. If you've heard it, you know - it's one of the most beautiful things ever recorded; haunting, goosebump-inducing, tear-jerking, inspiring. But forget the descriptors, go listen to it and you won't be able to get it out of your head. I first heard it at Edwards Air Force Base during an F-15 demonstration.
Now back to work on "2009". Thanks for reading. Happy Valentines Day. Tons of love.
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