Folks, I am excited to announce that my second book is in the final proof-read, which could be finished by this weekend. It will then be formatted and sent to Lulu, after which I will purchase my compulsory author's copy and - if everything looks shipshape - it should be available to the public by April 1, give or take. I can't yet reveal the title, but it's the story of my years as Pearl's caregiver, and - though it's the second book to be released - it was actually the first one I wrote, starting on October 3, 2021, just a day after Pearl's memorial service. I've put my heart and soul into this book, which has an overall caregiving context, but also a veritable Ton of Other Stuff thrown in. It's really the lifelong, on-and-off story of Pearl and me, and how fate brings certain people together on a predetermined path, and it's also about our enduring love for Reseda, the quintessential suburban Valley town (just ask Tom Petty).
There is so much going on in this book; it's one heck of a story, I guarantee you will love it, and you don't even have to know me or Pearl to become absorbed. One thing I hope is that it will inspire at least one person to become a caregiver. On a side note, there will be a sequel, about which I can't say much now, but it deals with the house sitting job I had just before I went to work with Pearl, and it blows the whole shebang out of the water. But that's my life, right? It's been one big "Blow Out of the Water". Anyhow, we are hoping for readers....
Did you listen to Scott Walker? If not, go back and re-read my last blog and don't miss out! I promise you'll thank me later, and my next recommendation is the new "Yessonata" by Rick Wakeman. OMG! He took all the themes from the greatest Yes music, seamlessly spliced them together and created a twenty minute piece of brilliant and moving pianism. Wow, it sounds fantastic, and on the other side of the cd is the King Arthur Suite, created from one of Rick's most beloved albums. I have seen him twice in recent years on his solo tours, where he plays instrumental piano pieces and tells jokes in between. There aren't many of our original artists left from the 1970s, and even fewer still playing live. Rick Wakeman is on what is being billed as his final tour this year. Let us pray he makes one last stop in Los Angeles.
Continuing with music, have you guys heard Big Big Train? They were my Band of 2024. The late and (mostly great) (but somewhat tricky) Pat Forduccenburger introduced me to BBT around 2012 with their album "The Underfall Yard". It was old-fashioned epic prog, seemingly along the lines of Genesis...but original! I appreciated the album upon hearing it for the first time, yet it sort of went right by me because I was on a Black Metal kick in those years. Fast forward to last year. I was thinking about Pat, who'd recently died, and I was hit with a notion to re-listen to Big Big Train. I went back to The Underfall Yard, found that certain passages had stuck with me, and I wanted to hear more. That led me to an album called "Ingenious Devices" (a compilation of their best extended pieces) and after that, I was hooked. I'd recommend "Ingenious" to get into the band, then go to "Underfall", and after that, you'll be ready for their two-album masterpiece (released in consecutive years), "English Electric Part 1 and Part 2". Tragically, their brilliant singer, David Longdon, died in a freak accident in 2021. His replacement, Alberto Brevin, has had "big big" shoes to fill but is doing an admirable job. BBT are now on tour in the US but unfortunately, it's one of those limited tours that many bands seem to be taking nowdays, epecially British bands who come to America but go no further west than Chicago. I lobbied on their FB page to "please play L.A." Give 'em a listen and you'll want to see them, too.
Finally - great news! On my CSUN walk last night, I went down to Nordhoff at Lindley to check out the status of Cupid's, because I saw on the Valley Relics FB page that the sign had been taken down. Dismayed, I had to see it for myself, but to my surprise, as I approached, it appeared it was not the whole sign that was removed but just the "inner" Heart that held the "Cupid's" logo. To my further surprise, from my vantage point across the street, there seemed to be a new red heart enclosed in the sign frame, and it looked like it had white lettering. Hopeful, yet cautious - because I've been worried that some evil developer would cram an "L.A. Special" apartment complex on that postage stamp lot - I crossed the street to check it out, and lo and behold, it's going to be a new food stand called "Tacos 1986". They've kept the Cupid's sign frame and (hopefully) the original building! If so, the proprietor of "Tacos 1986" has attained Instant Hero status in Northridge.
That's about all for today. Stay safe and thanks for reading. Tons of love.
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