Saturday, August 25, 2018

Grim Came Over + Starcrawler + Intent, David Lynch & Dirac

No movie again tonight (man, I'm slippin'..). Instead, Grimsley came over for a CSUN walk, and then we hung on on campus for a while. He wanted to tell me about an event he went to recently, the Echo Park Festival, which is one of those multi-venue deals where they close down a couple blocks of a street and have bands playing in all kinds of places from bookstores to maybe a small art gallery or curio shop and also hip, non-commercial coffee shops. It's what you would call a Street Fest, and in this case I think the street was Sunset Boulevard, on the eastern end near Los Angeles. You buy a ticket online or at the perimeter, and then you are free to enter the barricades and wander around to see any band you like, in any venue. Grim likes a lot of Indie stuff, and bands that lean toward punk or shock. He went to the festival mostly to see a new L.A. band that he says is his new favorite : Starcrawler.

They are young, average age probably 18 or 19. I know nothing about them because the L.A. band scene is not my thing, but Grim loves the Rock Star image they project onstage. The have a female lead singer named Arrow that he likes. For me, it's 1972 all over again, except that it's not 1972 anymore.

Well anyway, Grim and I don't have a lot in common except that we have been friends since 1974, so we hang out once in a while, and he is a good conversationalist. One thing we both agree on is that Trump Is Toast.

Hallelujah to the day he is gone, and may it not be too much longer in coming, thank You Lord. We have never had our country taken over by organised crime before, and it is most unpleasant.

I have finished the David Lynch book, and I think it is one of the greatest biographies I have ever read, and maybe the best. I have never even remotely heard of a person who has had a life similar to David Lynch, and I think that the experience of his life is the best example I can give to illustrate one of my favorite sayings, "Life Is Magic". You'd have to read the book to understand, but even aside from his work, and also because of it, Mr. Lynch has reaped the fruit of his Intentions (capital "I" on purpose). He understood as a teenager that self-realisation was about Intent, and making a declaration unto yourself to Be Yourself. He met a kid in high school whose Dad was a painter of fine art. The Dad was successful, but only locally known, in Virginia, but right then, upon meeting this man, his friend's father, David Lynch knew what he wanted to do, and what he wanted to be.

He wanted to be an Artist, just like Bushnell Keebler (the man's name). This news came out of the blue to David's parents, who were hoping their son would go to college and study a trade of one sort or another. But they ended up supporting his ambition to be a full time artist because once he began painting he showed immediate results.

That is Pure Intent at work.

That is Knowing Yourself, and Knowing Who You Are, not Who Society Or Anyone Else Thinks You Are.

That is how you Become Yourself, by Knowing Who You Are and Sticking To Your Guns with no compromise.

Now, it doesn't hurt to have someone who believes in you, and Lynch did.

But what if he had not believed in himself? Then his life story may have turned out different.

So, Intent is always the key, and we will not get into a long definition of it tonight because we have discussed it long ago. But we will say that Intent is private. It is an inner conversation between God, your Spirit, and You. It can be a whispered or spoken conversation, but it is mostly silent. It is an intuitive conversation, because you are conversing between realms.

But you are equipped to do this as a human. You are equipped to converse in silence, and to know God and yourself in this way. In fact, your psychic and intuitive powers are greater than your five sense observational powers. Your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch may be easier to discern and understand on a conscious level, because that is the level of your waking life, your surface level.

But beneath is your subconscious, with no sight or sound, etc. No five senses. And that is where your Spirit is talking to you. God is in there too, silent mostly, but always responsive to any conversation that you begin. Intent is all about silence and this inner conversation between Yourself and God and Your Spirit, which is tethered above you but can soar at will.

You have experienced your Spirit soaring in your dreams, when you fly and go to places that in the morning, you know they exist. You know the places you have gone to in your most vivid dreams, exist.

And that is because your Spirit was at those places, as you slept, and was projecting them into your sleeping mind. Some dreams are mumbo-jumbo and abstract and disjointed. But other dreams have specific locations that repeat over time, and those dreams often involve flying or jumping way up high, or going down familiar paths.

That is your Spirit taking over while you are asleep.

I present this dream stuff as evidence that you and your Spirit are always in conversation on the subconscious level, even in your waking hours, and this is why I say that your subconscious intelligence and awareness is even more powerful and energetic than your conscious 5 Sense awareness.

Your conscious 5 Sense is just your Car, that you drive around in. Now, it is also incredibly powerful because it allows to to see all the beauty of the world, and to hear music and language, and to smell flowers and taste delicious food, touch.

Maybe most of all to Touch.

But it is in your subconscious that You Become You, by expressing your Intent to your Spirit and to God.

All of these things you should do all the time.

I know you already know all this stuff but I went off on a tangent and got carried away.  :)

Now I am reading the biography of Paul Dirac, who seems to have known who he was since he was born. He was almost entirely directed inward, made only minimal conversation with anyone, and yet knew he had the information for Quantum Theory inside himself. He had his Intent handed to him and did not need to discover it, I think. But he did need to pursue it, and he did.

That's all for tonight. See you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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