Elizabeth, that was a great photo of your friend Anna, the one on Instagram. You really got the color scheme down, and you mentioned going for a midcentury modern look - you sure got it with the warm tones. And of course, the drapes are classic MCM, the lamp too. Pearl lives in a mid century modern house, in a tract full of homes that were designed by Edward Fickett. We had one too when I was a kid, when my family lived around the corner from Pearl and her family in the early 1960s. I remember things in our house like Eames chairs and lamp "trees", that had several conical chrome lamps spaced vertically on a chrome or steel pole. The lamps pointed in different directions for soft spot lighting. You can probably picture what I am talking about. We had cool drapes, too, and wallpaper. Rotary phones and sofas, coffee tables.... :)
I am always glad to see your photos. I hope you are still shooting every chance you get, and writing and playing music, too. I hope your job is not taking up all of your time. Congrats to Anna for playing at NAMM.
Post more pics if you get the chance. I miss the days when you posted on a regular basis, and as always, I must "egg you on", to keep working toward your true goal, which I know you are certainly doing anyway. But yeah......keep posting if you can. :):)
I was off today, as mentioned, so I went up to Aliso for a full length hike of 3.75 miles. I have long since covered the place pictorially, so I just re-shoot things I have already shot, like water in the creek, which is a rare sight. Because today was a day off, I would have gone out to Santa Clarita to visit a trail like Rice Canyon or Towsley Canyon that I rarely get to see anymore, but the wind was blowing pretty hard so I decided to wait until tomorrow or Monday. Sunday will be church and then I am gonna take my sister shopping. ////
Well, guess what? Tonight, Tarzan worked! I tried another one of the six movies in the collection, and to my surprise it played all the way through without a single skip. Yippee! The movie was "Tarzan's Desert Mystery" (1943). This time, Jane was offscreen in England, working as a nurse in WW2. I think the producers did this because Maureen O'Sullivan, the original Jane, had opted out of her contract and so the series was without a Jane, temporarily. So, because a Tarzan movie needs a female counterpart, the writers created the character of Connie (Nancy Kelly) , a circus performer and sometime Broadway actress, who Tarzan, Boy and Cheeta run into while crossing the desert in search of plant medicine to send to Jane in England, that she can use on wounded troops.
I shall not enter into a lengthy plot description (unless you suddenly declare yourself a Tarzan fanatic, in which case you would likely know the plot already), but to be brief, a former Nazi-turned-businessman is running the village at the edge of the desert, by manipulating the local sheik. Connie the circus woman had been traveling to meet with her Arabic friend Prince Amir, who was to get her a performing contract in Africa, but along the way she is passed a secret message that informs her about "Paul Hendrix", the Nazi, and his plans to make war between the sheikdoms, to divide and conquer them and leave himself in charge.
Who else to save the day but Tarzan?
Weissmuller could give Superman a run for his money, especially with sidekicks like Boy and Cheeta. On a side note, I was previously spelling Cheeta wrong, as Cheetah. Checking the film's IMDB, I discovered there is no "h" at the end of her name, and yes - Cheeta is a girl. I had thought she was a boy.
She steals her scenes once again in "Tarzan's Desert Mystery", where she performs an impressive tightrope act as part of an impromptu circus organized by Connie. Cheeta also has an extended scene where she must sneak into the village bazaar to steal as many turbans as she can get get hands on, in order to bring them back to Tarzan and Boy, who are jailed, so that they can unspool the turbans and make a lengthy rope, from which to escape from the high jail tower where they are imprisoned.
I will have do do some research on Cheeta, because she is an amazing movie performer.
"Tarzan's Desert Mystery" naturally gets Two Thumbs Up, not only because it was thoroughly entertaining but also because the dvd didn't freeze, thank goodness. ////
I have finished Fernando Faura's book "The Polka Dot File", about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. It is his own day-by-day account of his experience as a newspaper reporter in the aftermath of the shooting, to attempt to track down the Girl In The Polka Dot Dress, who was seen by multiple witnesses with Sirhan prior to the assassination. She was also seen running from the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel and out of the building by several credible witnesses. Faura's book describes the strenuous efforts of the LAPD and the FBI to discredit and intimidate the witnesses who saw the girl in the polka dot dress.
There is no doubt that Sirhan was not a lone shooter, but rather part of a conspiracy, and in fact there is as much proof of it as there is proof of the JFK conspiracy.
I think it was the same bunch of people who killed JFK, MLK and RFK, all in a row, bang bang bang, just because they had the power to do it. LAPD helped cover up RFK because they were corrupt at the time and because it was in their jurisdiction and they were ordered to do so.
All of those assassinations happened in the first 8 years of my life, and then right after that, we got Richard Nixon for president, and he was a crook who would have been impeached has he not resigned.
We have got to fix America, because this is not what my Dad, and so many thousands of young men like him, fought for in World War Two in the effort to stop Hitler, whose rise led to the deaths of 60 million people.
Did 60 million die just so that we could end up with LBJ, Nixon and Donald Trump?
Please God let it not be so. Please help us in America. /////
Much love til the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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