I'm back. Last night Grimsley came over, so you know the drill. No movie no blog. He wanted to go for a CSUN walk and then show me some Seth Myers/Trump stuff which was pretty funny I must admit. I have to add, though, that I was extremely disheartened by Mueller's rebuke of the Buzzfeed story. My immediate reaction was to think that after nearly two years of thinking "Trump is toast", that I was now forced to conclude that Mueller has no proof of what we all know Trump did, which was to conspire with his Russian pals to steal the election. We all know it. Mueller knows it too, but apparently he cannot prove it, which is just so depressing that I'd better stop writing about it because I'll end up depressing myself.
I feel like I've been on a roller coaster ride, because here at Pearl's we watch MSNBC every weeknight, where Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow nail Trump to the Wall (pun intended) every night, and they always have on panels full of high level former national security experts, former CIA directors and expert reporters, and each night they report a new development that is certain to see Trump impeached.
But then it never happens.
It never happens, and this terrible man who is destroying our country and it's Constitution and it's values, skates away yet again.
Any other man who had done what this man has done would have long ago been removed from office and put in prison.
So what is it with this person, that he is able to get away with his deeds unceasingly without having to face the music?
I don't have the answer to that question, but after the Mueller denial of Buzzfeed, I will watch MSNBC with a more cynical eye. Also, on a side note for anyone who has closely followed left wing news reporting in recent years, the name of reporter Jason Leopold on the Buzzfeed byline should have been a Red Flag from the beginning, when the story was first reported. He is a hack journalist who has been called out previously for rushing to publish stories that later turned out to be unconfirmed (i.e. meaning unproveable).
Look, here's the bottom line : we all know that Trump is the biggest a-hole who ever came down the pike. We all know that he is guilty of every single thing he's been accused of. He belongs in prison, in my opinion for the remainder of his life, because he tried to take down an American presidential election, and he succeeded.
But apparently Mueller cannot prove it, and that, my friends, is pretty sad. I find myself wondering what George Washington would think......
Let us pray for America tonight before we continue on with other subjects, and I will again make a note not to get too excited about anything reported by MSNBC and the liberal news media. And on the other side, it goes without saying that Fox News is pure unadulterated BS. ////
Well.......other than that bit of unpleasantry, I did watch a movie tonight : "The Falcon's Adventure" (1946), in which Tom Conway as "The Falcon" finds himself down in Miami trying to untangle a web of intrigue involving a scientist's formula for making "industrial diamonds". No mention is made as to whether or not these diamonds are jewels or if they are used in manufacturing (i.e. for cutting), but at any rate, the formula for making them is so valuable that several parties are trying to get hold of an envelope containing the written down formula. The scientist himself is deceased. His niece, the B-Movie Beauty Madge Meredith, recruits The Falcon to help her deliver the secret, formula containing envelope to a legitimate investor in Miami, knowing that many crooked players will attempt to derail the delivery. Much of the action takes place on a sleek 1940s art deco looking choo-choo train.
The Falcon's sidekick, "Goldie" Locke (played by classic Hollywood "Mook" Edward Brophy) began the movie preparing to go on a fishing trip with his buddy the suave detective. He went so far as to make The Falcon promise that he would not try to pick up on any women during their male-bonding vacation. But at the train station, Conway - looking very Errol Flynn like - cannot help but come to the rescue of Miss Meredith, and so there you have it - another Falcon movie, only 63 minutes long, but exactly what you need when you are short on time.
I did some good time management today, because I took Pearl for a neighborhood w/chair push on a sunny afternoon, and this eve in addition to watching the movie I managed to work on my latest drawing for 45 minutes. I am loving my set of colored pencils from Prismacolor, and I am attempting to make representative drawings this year instead of abstract.
I'll tell ya later what I'm drawing, but you can probably guess it's gonna be Something Weird rather than a bowl of fruit or an otherwise typical still life.....(not that I could draw a bowl of fruit anyhow).
Gotta get up early for church so I'd better sign off. See you there. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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