Well Elizabeth, that is a very beautiful song. I can tell it is intensely personal for you, and you have written in the tradition of the classic singer/songwiters - straight from the heart, as you refer to directly in your chorus. If you don't mind me saying so, you are indeed "full of heart", and it shows in everything you do. Your vocal melody is just lovely here, it delivers the rise and fall of the emotion in your lyrics, just like ocean waves.
In your words you refer to following your stars and trusting the path you are on, and all I can say, as I have always said, is that if you keep following and keep trusting in your journey, you will never go astray in your life. Part of the journey does consist of feelings of uncertainty, of being "at sea" as the saying goes, and the shore always feels safest no matter life's circumstances. But you are a lady of great talent, intelligence and resourcefulness - not to mention extreme creativity! - and you have already ventured out into some fairly deep waters, to continue the metaphor. :) You've traveled to far off countries, you've piloted an airplane; you're not short on courage, that's for sure. I know the song is dealing with other stuff too, but as far as life is concerned, you are not only going to continue to have an amazing life, you're already having one. I always tell people, "look at the track record". When worries about the future weigh heavy, like they are doing now for everyone, I always say, "Look at what we've made it through already, and also look at the things we've worried about that never came to pass". Look at the 'track record' of our lives, and of your life in particular, and you may find that, despite the times we feel anxious or unsure, things have a way of working out, and especially if you always keep the faith. It doesn't have to be religious faith if you don't feel that, but just faith in your spirit and your path, and that God - however you perceive God - is always watching over you. These are things you already know, of course, but I just say them anyway. :):)
You are a great songwriter, so whatever you do - keep writing! Look at what you can do with just a guitar and voice. You're writing in the tradition of Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, Nick Drake and even Eric Johnson on his new, acoustic album "EJ 2". As long as you continue to "bring it", to dig deep and really bring out the emotion and the all-important vocal melody, to "let the song come to you", you will continue to come up with songs as heartfelt and beautiful as "The Ocean". Thanks so much for posting it (and writing and recording it!). Your music means a lot to me and so do you. You made my day as always. :):)
Stay safe and well.
I send you tons of love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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