Well, so whataya think? Is Trump toast, or isn't he? I love the way that Republican pundits were immediately spinning it that "no new indictments" was the equivalent of Trump being exonerated. A life long friend, who also happens to be a Trump supporter, called me this evening with glee in his voice, repeating the pronouncements of innocence he'd heard on Fox News.
"Aren't you celebrating a little too early"?, I asked him. After all, I pointed out, as of now no one outside of Mueller & William Barr knows what is in the report, and we already knew that the Justice Dept. wasn't going to indict a sitting president (even though this one should indeed have been indicted).
So as of this moment, I told my friend during the phone call, we know absolutely nothing that is new.
We might know something tomorrow morning, and certainly within a few days, but this just shows you the power of spin, and the inexplicable staying power of Trump, who is not only not in prison where he belongs, but is still in office, when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob.
This shows you the difference between Republicans and Democrats. One side is ruthless and totally focused on achieving their objective, using whatever means necessary to defeat their enemies, even the person's sexual indiscretions on which they give their own party members a pass.
The other side is eternally wimpy, and even after two years of being presented with daily evidence of high treason by a lowbrow mob boss who ascended to the presidency with the help of the Russian Mafia Boss (Putin), they say that "he isn't worth impeaching". This, after their own President Bill Clinton, got impeached for something as comparatively non-threatening to national security as fooling around with his intern and lying about it.
So, if you ever wonder why the Republicans always win and the Democrats always lose, wonder no more. It is because the Democrats are namby-pamby, and champion knuckleheads like AOC and think that a guy like Beto O'Rourke, who has the charisma (and political skills) of a college football yell-leader, has a chance at beating the middle American redneck-friendly Trump.
Democrats just can't read the tea leaves, and so they lose every time. And they will certainly lose the 2020 election with the crop they've got........unless Trump is toast.
So, what do you think? Our only hope is the prosecutors, especially those in the Southern District of New York. If anyone knows the crooked deeds of this SOB, it's the lawyers in his own territory. I hope to God they will go after Trump with everything they've got, because if they don't, America itself may well be toast. Trump is the biggest threat we've faced in my lifetime, not because of his own (lack of) power or capacity for pushing his agenda, but because of what he represents. If he is not brought to justice, then the bar has been lowered for the next more competent Bad Guy to really dismantle our democracy. And onwards to oblivion, until you have Hitler in America.
To let Trump get away with what he has obviously done is to allow the progression toward dictatorship to continue. So, the question is still "who is gonna stop him"?
As I wrote a couple months ago, after a night of frustration watching MSNBC, I had given up expecting any strong measures from the Mueller Report. My reaction was nothing against Robert Mueller, who seems to be as straight-arrow an American Patriot as there is. It is just that Trump has seemingly exposed a weakness within the power structure of the executive branch where the president can turn on his own Justice Department, tell lie after lie to paint that department as enemies of America, and more or less get away with it, because he has created a cult of personality around himself where, by his own admission, he could "shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for me".
Those of us with triple digit IQs can therefore easily see why he is so dangerous : because he is a talented con man. He is a mob boss who is also a Reality Star in an America that is so dumbed-down from it's cultural and intellectual prime (mid-20th century) as to be unrecognizable as the same country.
Donald Trump is the president of Idiot America, he has the unwavering commitment of the culturally and intellectually underdeveloped, and as of tonight, it might seem all hope is lost.
But I'm not 100% sure just yet. I'm no longer basing any remaining optimism on what I hear from Rachel and MSNBC, whom I've been watching nightly for the past two years here at Pearl's. The hosts at that station and their guests, including many former Federal agents and prosecutors, had me believing for months on end (until recently) that Trump would surely be removed from office. Night after night I had to have my MSNBC fix, and I'm sure that will continue for the time being.
But my more realistic sensibilities kicked in late last year, when I heard their own pundits begin to waffle on the perceived strength of the Mueller Report as to it's case against Trump. Sure, Mueller had nailed Manafort, et al......but now they were talking about Trump in terms of his re-election instead of his impeachment. That's when I threw in the towel.
I haven't quite thrown it in completely, because I believe that there may be one single person in the Justice Department, at least, who has the power and determination to do something about Donald Trump before he succeeds in destroying our country. I had hoped that Robert Mueller might be that person, and he may still be, but I get the feeling that we are gonna still have to wait, to see if this horrible man is ever going to face the music for all that he has done.
Maybe the Southern District will get him, his home territory. We've got one year until election season is in full swing, and if Beto, Bernie, Biden and the others are all we've got, it will be us who are toast, if Trump has not been called to account by then.
And so I ask you.......what do you think about the Mueller report? Is Trump toast?
Or are we? Is America all done? /////
Thanks for reading. I usually try to stay away from politics as you know, but had to say something tonight. I didn't watch a movie but will absolutely watch one tomorrow night. I did watch an episode of "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea", however, and it was exceptional. I hope your day was awesome.
See you in the morning. Love through the night. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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