Monday, March 25, 2019

Sorry Lucy, But I Will Not Be Kicking The Football Tonight (R.I.P. America)

Well,'s everybody doing? Me, I'm not doing so good. I mean, don't worry, because I'm not morose, but I'm just real cynical at the moment about the future of this country, and it doesn't feel good. By nature I am an optimist - even with all the stuff I have been through - and I have described myself as being in one respect like Charlie Brown : I always believe that Lucy is gonna let me kick that football, no matter that she has previously pulled it away every single time I've tried.

So, despite the fact that we got the football pulled away when Al Gore was robbed of the election in 2000, and despite the fact that we were lied to about 9/11 (and about all of the assassinations in the 1960s), and despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was robbed of the election in 2016, I still believed.

I still believed in Robert Mueller and his investigation, because I am an eternal optimist (likely to my detriment), and I believed in Mueller because I watched MSNBC every weeknight for the last two years, and their hosts (Rachel, Chris Hayes, Brian Williams) and the nightly panel of experts assured me, and everyone watching, that not only was there a plethora of evidence against Trump for collusion and obstruction, but that he would be lucky if he escaped jail time. They called him treasonous, and I recall writing a blog last year in which I mentioned that treason was at one time a capital offense.

So after all of this evidence, provided nightly by the experts on MSNBC, I could rest assured that Trump, this man I despise like Hitler (because I believe he would like to overthrow our country and become a dictator) was going to be removed from office. Maybe even be put in prison where he belongs.

But as you know, I became increasingly less confident over time, as the investigation dragged on, and sometime around last Christmas, when the crooked William Barr was appointed Attorney General, I began to suspect that the Fix Was In, as they say. Today, William Barr proved me right.

He is a conspirator himself, a stone criminal who has whitewashed all of the evidence against Trump and turned it into an instantaneous exoneration. We know that Mueller hedged on that point, and said "this does not exonerate the president", but we also know, as it sadly has turned out, that Robert Mueller didn't have half the power we thought he had.

It turned out that his investigation was pretty weak.

Because, know and I know, and even his stupid-ass supporters know, deep down, that Donald Trump is guilty of every single thing he was accused of.

He is a criminal of the first order, but unfortunately the fix was in.

Just like it was for that frat boy rapist who was recently appointed to the Supreme Court.

So please forgive me tonight if I am for the moment not very optimistic about the future of the United States of America, and please forgive me further when I suggest again that if the Democrats think they can win the 2020 election with the people they have in the contest so far, that they will be in for a surprise. The newly rejuvenated Trump will beat any of those young pups, with their silly socialist leanings (America will never elect a Socialist president, sorry), by a large margin. Trump is now guaranteed to win 2020 by a landslide, because the Dems haven't a candidate who can even put up a contest let alone win.

People on the Left (of which I am not one, I am centrist) simply do not understand how committed Middle America is to Right Wing politics. And this has been why Trump can win, even when he is caught on tape bragging about "grabbing women' know what".

He was caught on tape, and these people voted for him anyway. He cheats on his wife with porno stars, and these folks voted for him anyway. He disparages a War Hero, when he himself got deferments to avoid Vietnam, and they voted for him anyway (and he continues to disparage McCain even after he is dead).

He is, like George W. Bush before him, a man of average to below average IQ, uncurious and un-read,  uncultured, racist, mysoginistic and so cruel that he locks children in cages after taking them away from their parents, in many cases forever. He uses Twitter, a form of social media that was reserved for teens and disposable celebrities, until he made use of it for his means of presidential communication. In short, he is a Lowbrow, a reality tv star who nobody would look twice at if he didn't have big bucks. But he has always had that, and his supporters are folks who live entirely in the material world, culturally speaking. They aspire to bling-bling, a dream worth striving for, and even though it won't come true for them, it is enough that their Hero has achieved it (or was born into it), and that he hates Mexicans.

Introspection and curiosity about the world are entirely foreign to the MAGA crowd. This is the "Duck Dynasty" audience here.

And they will vote for him no matter what he says or does, because they see themselves in him. He is a simpleton, with deep seated resentments, and so are they, for the most part. The difference is that his voters look up to him because he has what they want - lots of shiny stuff - and he also....ahem.....doesn't like people of different colors. Not that any of his supporters will admit to that, but c'mon......let's get real. I know it sounds divisive for me to make such comments, and it may seem judgmental on my part, but then you have to ask yourself, "what kind of person could have voted for Donald Trump after watching his violence-promoting campaign in 2016, when he also made fun of disabled people, among other things"?

If it sounds like I am generalising or name calling Trump voters, just ask yourself "what kind of person could have voted for him", when he made no effort to hide exactly who he is from the American people.

And he gave courage to those with the same views to come out of the woodwork and vote for him. Vote racist. Vote misogynist. Vote gun nut. Vote xenophobe. Vote hate. And they all did just that.

Trump voters have no excuse. They are nothing but a bunch of assholes, every last one.

So yeah, my fellow Democrats, they will vote for him, and they will come out in droves in 2020. And he will win in a landslide, again since the resentment factor will be huge because of the failed Mueller investigation (nothing drives right wingers like hatred of Democrats), and also because the Democrats will be all split up trying to decide which ineffective candidate to back. Bernie Sanders? Puh-leeze...

So yeah, we are stuck with this bum til 2024, and I am feeling pretty cynical about America right about now. If Lucy offered to hold the football for me tonight, this is one time when I'd tell her "sorry, Luce but I don't trust you anymore. You always pull the ball away".

I'll probably feel better in the morning, though, so don't worry. And I did watch a Tim Holt Western this evening, too. And we had good singing in church.

So hang in there and I will try to do the same. Let's go to Disneyland or do something fun, whataya say? See you in the morning, lots of love as always.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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