Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day, and Other Stuff

This part of the blog was written on Thursday night, February 13th :

I don't have a movie review tonight because the TCM schedule didn't line up with my available watching hours. They did have a Cary Grant movie called "Night and Day", the life story of Cole Porter, but it was long (128 minutes) and started too late (9:15) to make it feasible. My bedtime is much earlier than it used to be, haha. But on Saturday I'll be back at home for two weeks, at least at night (cause I'll still be on the job during the day), so I'll be watching dvds during that time and won't have to contend with a broadcast schedule.

You'll notice that I've used the word "schedule" twice already, hint hint. I trust you are utilizing your Brrrittish Accent. :)

In book news, I've almost finished Gray Barker's 1956 classic "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers", which has been as good as the title sounds. As noted several weeks ago, read it in conjunction with Albert K. Bender's "Flying Saucers and the Three Men", published in '57. Barker and Bender coined the term Men In Black and described government intimidation toward UFO witnesses long before anyone else spoke out. Funny how in a country that promotes it's Freedom of Speech, folks are told to shut up by the FBI in no uncertain terms when they see something unusual. ////

And this part of the blog was written on Friday night, February 14th :

I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day, even if - like me - you don't have a Valentine. My day was pretty similar to the other days I've had since I became "round the clock" at Pearl's. I took her on a long push up to Cantara Street Elementary School and back. Yesterday I mentioned the legendary Newcastle Street directly below the school, where many friends lived, and on the other side of the school is Hesperia Street, where half a block down is the house where Pamela Des Barres grew up, when she was known as Pam Miller. Yes, the most famous rock n' roll groupie of all time is a Reseda girl. She probably went to Cantara Elementary too. I like this area of Reseda, which my parents referred to as "the tract" when I was a kid. It's all single family homes for nearly a square mile, meaning no excessive traffic, so when Pearl and I go on our walks, it's very quiet. Folks are at work, few cars pass by. We walk past the Fickett houses, many of which have been restored (to different extents), and we see doggies behind fences, some of whom have gotten to know us and bark accordingly. There is a section of trees up near Jamieson Parker Stevenson Street that I call "The Aviary". The reason is self explanatory but I'll explain it anyway : you can hear a lot of birds chirping.

And also, the street is really just called Jamieson. I added the "Parker Stevenson" because, as you are fully aware, Jameson Parker and Parker Stevenson may be one and the same person, and at the very least they make up one of the most important Combo Celeb couplings yet uncovered. At any rate, I'm beginning to prefer Reseda over Northridge, which is nothing but an automobile-choked madhouse these days.

I don't have a movie for the second night in a row. Sorry about that. Once again, my schedule did not coincide with that of TCM. They were showing "Brubaker" at 8pm, but I missed the beginning because of my work duties, and I really wasn't in the mood for a prison movie anyway. I love TCM, but I will indeed invest in another dvd player to bring down here so that I can control the motion picture situation.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but Grimsley is currently reading my book, the one I wrote in 2006-2007 which is entitled "What Happened In Northridge : The Story of Adam and Eve". This is notable because Grim has become the first person to read what I worked so hard to write, all those years ago. I suspect that several more people read it as it was being written, because I wrote it openly on Myspace. But those folks read it in secret and have never acknowledged doing so.

So I finally have my first official reader, fourteen years after the fact. I'm gonna re-write the book eventually, when my caregiving days are over, to take it from 800 pages down to about 350 - 500, and then I may put it out via Lulu or another self publishing company.

I know I've written something Mega.'s the doggone truth.

What could be more important than that, especially in this day and age?

I'll see you in the morning, and then tomorrow night from home, with a movie.

Tons of love.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):) 

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