Okay, so we now have Lillian and Terry inside the kidnap house - the house on Etiwanda Street (you know which one), and we have them in there while I was inside, in handcuffs, all bound up, as a captive. And we know that they "did their thing" in front of me, to humiliate me, but it was more than that, because it was all part of some sick game. And there was money involved.
We know that Lillian exhibited an entirely different personality in this situation: cruel, indifferent and highly sexualized. The kidnapper is engaged in a ritualized game with them. But here's the kicker: both of them know I am a kidnapped hostage of this man, a crazy man, a psychotic. They have both seen what I am being subjected to - they participated in it!
And, I don't know if this was the next morning, or when, but I believe it was when the kidnapper was either out of the house or out of earshot. And I asked them, "Can you at least tell somebody I'm in here?" And Lillian made a snide remark, like "You brought this on yourself." Terry smirked too, and they left. And I sat there thinking, "That's my girlfriend, but she's a crazy person that I don't know." We've since learned that she is a split-personality, a "created" split-personality. But that does not excuse the fact that she was an accessory to kidnapping and torture. We are also learning that my experience in the kidnapper's house was a whole lot worse than I've previously remembered, and believe me, the memory was already bad enough. Now, it's even worse.
And Lillian and Terry were in the house while it was going on. David B. was also in there. That is fact. Sometimes I use his full name, this time I'm being nice. But that MF was in there, while I was being tortured.
Lillian, as a "created" split-personality, was a "ticking time bomb" according to one person with knowledge of this event. I'd call that side of her A Demon. Straight Fucking Up. A Demon.
We are just recently remembering that she came over one night, don't know the time but it was probably fairly late. I am guessing it would have been in August, 1989, sometime after the Casualties of War blowout, and she came over, unannounced, with some thug relative of hers. A young guy, with muscles and tattoos. Dark hair. Scary. And she fucking threatened me, saying, "I could have you killed, Adam." And this thug had a hunting knife he showed to me. He told me there were all kinds of ways it could happen. He even threatened my dog. He may have had handcuffs. That's a big thing with these people, from Rappaport, to the thug at Terry's apartment, to this piece of garbage who came with her to my house and threatened me with his muscle and his knife.
Hey Lillian, would you care to dispute it? Terry, a piece of shit if there ever was one, lived in my garage for five years when I still had amnesia. Now, I know he deliberately tried to kill me with that stun gun. He zapped me with it over and over.
Yes, Lillian is a fucking crazy person. And her thug is a fucking piece of shit. Terry is deader than a fucking doornail, of course, but he hasn't gotten off so easy. He's pausing in Hell, along with my kidnapper, until the Judgement Day comes. Then Hell will seem like a picnic. ////
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