Still no movies. Just more documentaries, and I'm reading a book on the fall of Nazi Germany. I also watched a doc about the Croatian Ustasi. Have you ever heard of them? They were like the SS of Croatia in WW2. They ran the death camps, among other things, and were so barbaric that - according to the video - they even gave the German Nazis pause. Read about Croatia and the Holocaust.
It's really hard for me to write at the moment. I just feel like I'm typing a lot of words that don't correspond to what I'm thinking and/or feeling about what's going on in my life at this point in time. That was John Dean's famous phrase during the Watergate hearings: "at this point in time". He got criticized for saying it, though I don't know why, but anyhow, I'm only writing to keep the blog going. I went into the store tonight, the Vons market down the street, and everything was so ridiculously expensive I ended up walking out, even though I was short on stuff for dinner. Here's a shocker for you, and before I tell it, I must remind you that, during his administration and up until the present time, I was the #1 anti-Trumper in the country - nay, the world.
I used to tell Grimsley that if it could be measured, I would be standing on top of the antenna on the top of the Empire State Building, and the #2 anti-Trumper would be on the sidewalk. If there had been a worldwide scientific test to find out who disliked Trump the most, I would've won it.
But then came the Biden presidency. And I was the guy who championed Joe Biden. Now, I had hoped Hillary would run again, but she didn't, and I sure didn't want Bernie, or whoever else was running. So, in 2020, as the primary season ran on, I told people (and I only know three or four) "you've gotta vote for Biden. Bernie's a commie and he doesn't stand a chance."
Well, I was (and am) greatly relieved that Bernie's steam ran out, but I am chagrined at what's been wrought by what is without any shadow of a doubt the worst presidency of my lifetime. I mean, I even rooted for Kamala Harris when the VP shortlist was announced. Talk about going 0 for 2!
The point of this minor tirade is to say that - despite my former status as the #1 Dump Trump frontman, I may indeed vote for the guy if it comes down to him and Joe Biden. To be fair to Biden, I don't think the administration's utter failure is 100% his fault. Washington DC, and the American government as a whole, is corrupt to it's core, as is it's corporate media lapdog overseers. What it is, is evil. And that's why I don't follow politics no more, or basically anything anyone says. I trust me, and that's about it.
But I still don't wanna pay 7 dollars for a bag of Doritos, youknowhatI'msayin'? Or 4.99 for a sack of potatoes that used to be two bucks. Can of soup? 3.99. Crackers? Five bucks if you're lucky. Good thing my molars are shot and I can't crunch 'em anyway.
How about you? Do you wanna pay 6 bucks for a dozen eggs, and have two wars going on, either one of which could trigger......well, I won't say it. But I will say that - hey! oh joy! - it's all happening on Joe Biden's watch, not to mention the runaway wokeness that's destroying American culture.
Now, Donald Trump was, and remains, the world's biggest a-hole. No one will topple him any time soon on that score. But gas, even though a ripoff even then, remained steady at 3.79 throughout his presidency. And eggs were one buck, maybe two. Milk was 1.99 a gallon.
Now, it's ten bucks for a freaking frozen pizza. It's insane, and it's only getting worse every day.
With what's going on in my life, I've been Googling "are we in the End Times?", and I'm not even fundamentalist.
I did tell my sister though, just the other day, "I am now the rightest-wing man in America. I make Donald Trump look like a hippie." And it's not because I am political. Remember, politics is stupid. I said that in the last blog. Hello? You've got to be a numbskull of the first order if you still "support your team" even after 60 years of modern corporate politics. AOC is as big a shill as Jim Jordan. It's a clown show. So, as a last resort, I am voting my pocketbook, and to save civilized American culture.
Now, before you cancel me (which you couldn't do because.....well, I'm me), you should know that if there was a scientific test for racism, or hatred, I would score zero and come in last, because I don't have that gene in my body. To me, there are two kinds of people: nice ones, and a-holes. And all the nuances in between, of course. But it obviously has nothing to do with anything physical like skin color. I've been the victim of people who are obsessed with body parts (one in particular), and I'm not like them in any way. I generally like people. I just don't like what is happening in America, caused by greed, and I especially don't like what has happened in my life. I can't even concentrate enough to watch a movie anymore.
But yeah.....ten bucks for a frozen pizza. Six bucks for eggs. 4.60 for gas is now considered cheap.
I got the living shit kicked out of me in 1989, I got beaten to a fucking pulp at the Concord Square apartment complex in Reseda, and nothing was ever done about it (I've got a witness named Ann, you can ask her). And I've got to manage my money. So I may well vote for Trump in 2024, even though he's the biggest a-hole in the world. I hope your week is off to a good start. ////
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