I'm checking in early today to report that the Internet is currently down at Pearl's house. I called ATT this morning and the guy ran a diagnostic over the phone and it appears that the problem is with an outside line. Maybe the possum who comes over every night to eat the leftover cat food chewed through the cable where it connects to the house. Who knows? It's always some doggone thing, but what it means is that I won't have any Internet service tonight at Pearl's and will therefore be unable to write my usual late-night blog (right now I am writing from Chromebook One at my apartment). The ATT technician will be at Pearl's tomorrow, sometime between Noon and 4pm (which means between 3:45 and 4pm), so I won't have service there until tomorrow evening.
Dang possum.
I'll be back here at The Tiny tonight though, during my evening work break, and I'll check back in with you then, tell ya what movie I'm gonna watch or some such. Right now I am listening to Martha Argerich play Bach. That's enough to smooth out any minor problems of the day. Heading to Trader Josephus's as soon as the album is over, then back to Pearl's. See you at around 7:30pm. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
9pm: I'm back, getting ready to go on my nightly walk before heading back to Pearl's. I just watched a fantastic and very strange little movie called "Dr. Renault's Secret". I mentioned the title last night in my review of "The Howling". It's only an hour long, but has enough script to seem twenty minutes longer, and it is packed with visuals in every frame. I'll give a full review in tomorrow night's blog, trusting of course that the Internet problem at Pearl's house will be fixed by then. It should be, I think (I hope).
Well, that's all for now. Here I go on my walk, and I will see you tomorrow afternoon.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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