No movie tonight. Instead, I watched the last "Rawhide" episode in my four dvd set that consists of the first half of season two, 16 eps in all. I know you need more "Rawhide", so I will be purchasing the other four disc set that makes up the second half of season two, but it might be a few weeks before that transaction goes down, because I've got a backlog of potential orders for Amazon, and a budget I must work within. But you won't have to wait forever because - like you - I can't go without my "Rawhide" either. Seriously, I think it was the best Western TV show ever produced.
Doncha hate it when I go Serious on you and begin a sentence with "Seriously"?
I also watched some more X-15 footage from my Spacecraft Films three-dvd set. I have completed two dvds now, which took me several months, as there are hours upon hours of flight footage. But it's really just amazing stuff. I initially bought a multi-dvd set of Saturn rocket test footage, released by 20th Century Fox way back in about 2004 or so, and I was so fascinated with those tests that I looked for more NASA films. I discovered the X-15 set a few years ago and finally ordered it late in 2017. 20th Century was no longer producing the NASA dvd sets, which included all kinds of cool stuff like the entire Gemini and Apollo programs, but the rights were purchased by Spacecraft Films, and their production of the X-15 stuff is more or less as good as the 20th Century packages. You get 10 hours of footage in the three dvd set, so c'mon over and I'll cue it up for you. :)
In actual fact I would only require you to watch a single flight segment, maybe two, but they are so mega that the Lay's Potato Chip Factor would kick in.
Now you would be a fan of the X-15 as well as "Rawhide", and we could watch both together.
Or maybe I've got it all backwards.....I thought you were the "Rawhide" fan first, and then me.
I'm mixed up now, but it doesn't matter. We could watch 'em together, which is the most important thing. :)
We had a fairly difficult piece for our anthem this morning in church, harder than usual because of the harmonies in the last half. The song is called "The Prayers I Make", the lyrics written by Michaelangelo sometime in the early 16th century, set to music by modern composer Jane Marshall. You can find a good Youtube version of it by the Walla Walla University Choir. We had to do it with only six people, but I listened to the Walla Walla version all week so I could memorize my tenor part, and we have a soprano who is top notch, and a master's degree pianist from CSUN, so we wound up doing a powerful rendition, We have to sing our butts off to make up for lack of choir members, and we have to sing legato (i.e. smooth) but with power and volume, so it's a challenge but it's a lot of fun, and now that we are trying the more complex harmonies I am learning more about singing all the time and having fun in the process.
Yesterday I began a new book, a novel, called "The Cabin At The End Of The World" by Paul Tremblay. I had not heard of this author until Stephen King gave him and his book a rave review on FB a couple months ago. Usually I don't go for this approach, because I know that SK and other authors help out up-and-coming writers by touting their work, and much of it won't be my style. I know that without even looking into it. But for some reason, his review of this book made me look for it at the library. I reserved a copy, which took a couple months to arrive. Yesterday I began reading, and I had to force myself to put it down. Yep, it's as good as advertised. It's a page turner rather than a complex read. Mr. Tremblay is very, very good with his sentences and rhythms, his word choices are exquisite and near-poetic but without causing you to think about the words too much. He keeps the story flowing and ratchets the tension up page by page. The plot is simple but the details are many, and you are inside the cabin as the action takes place. Try putting it down, I dare you. I only did because I had to go back to work.
That's basically all I know for tonight. I am gearing up for another week of the Battle For America and though it is getting hard to deal with, I will be watching the news every evening. They are gonna try and stunt this FBI investigation into Kavanaugh, and in doing so, Trump is trying to become a dictator who can tell the Justice Department what they can and cannot do. Trump is the problem all along, of course - way bigger than Kavanaugh though he is an enormous problem too. But the thing is, that Trump must go.
Trump must go because he is trying to destroy our democracy.
Hitler did not take over all at once, but in increments.
Trump is no Hitler, merely a wannabe, but he is every bit as big a threat, because he will not stop pushing until we push back with bigger force. Period. Plain and simple.
Trump will not stop until he is stopped.
To give you the most obvious example : there used to be something called the Republican Party. If you are like me, we all "hated" them, or at least disagreed with them. We thought guys like Reagan were bad, or George W. Bush. And they were.
But they were nothing compared to this lowlife. And all the Congressional Republicans have knuckled under to him. The Repubs have always had a reputation as a badass bunch, but even they are in thrall of this SOB, and scared of him. Why, I do not know, because he is dumb as dirt, and would be ineffective without their support, and he's got it even though he mocks them and is destroying their party. And still they support him. They do not stand up to him. So we have to.
Donald Trump must be stopped as soon as possible. He is gonna try and ram Kavanaugh down our throats, and he may well be successful, because we have seen how the MAGA Trump supporters did not care, even when they heard a tape recording of their hero talking about grabbing women's....
The people who voted for Trump don't care what he says or does, and you can be sure they don't care what Brett Kavanaugh has done, which you know he did do, and you know his behavior was not confined to his high school years.
These Trump voters straight up don't care, and neither do their Senators. Even Jeff Flake is gonna flake, so he says, and is gonna support Kavanaugh if the FBI doesn't produce anything concrete, which is up to him to decide.
So the deal is that the only thing that is going to remove the cancer that is Trump is force.
Hitler had to be removed by force, but the world waited too long and it cost 60 million lives.
Let's not wait too long with Trump. Support the FBI and the Justice Department, even through your Spirit. They will get rid of this monster if we all support them. It's no joke, so let's do it.
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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