I'm writing from home once again during my evening break because the Internet service is still down at Pearl's, which means that for the second night in a row I will be unable to write to ya late a night as I usually do. To be honest, I don't know if anybody even reads this thing, meaning anyone I know. There are always a few pageviews listed in the stats, but I don't know if The SB reads anymore since she rarely uses Facebook these days, and I have no idea if any of the other views come from folks who know me or if they are just anonymous peeps from Poland and Uzbekistan. But still I write, because I must. You could say it's a compulsion. ;) So when I miss a night (or God forbid two in a row), it's hard.
I'm jonesin' to write a movie review, haha.
The ATT Guy was at Pearl's this afternoon, and he tried everything in the book. He tried three different modems. He checked the wiring in the house and up and down the street. He was on the phone with the techs at the ATT office for over an hour, troubleshooting this and that; stuff spoken in computer lingo that is indecipherable to me. The guy was at Pearl's for 2 1/2 hours, and he and the office techs couldn't figure it out.
They say it might be a problem with a circuit in the Central Office, wherever that is.
I think it's gotta be The Russians. :)
Well, anyhow. ATT is gonna try again tomorrow. I hope we have better luck than we did today. I am gonna go for my CSUN walk now. Grimsley is coming over in a little while, and after that I will head back to Pearl's as always. Hopefully I will have Internet service at her house by tomorrow afternoon.
Have a great Friday night, and Go Dodgers! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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