Happy Monday. One thing I wanted to make clear after reading back last night's blog, is that I am certainly not condemning all of Hollywood. You know that there is no bigger fan of the Hollywood Film Industry than myself (speaking mostly of Old Hollywood) and you know I love the old movies and stars and even a lot of the newer ones. Similarly, if it weren't for the Los Angeles record industry, we would never have heard the music of so many great bands that have enriched our lives in the deepest possible ways. I grew up as the son of a Hollywood executive, and my Dad was also part of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for a time, and was on hand when they created The Walk Of Fame. As a kid, I was taken to different studios (just tagging along with my Dad), and later I worked at MGM for a few years in their film laboratory. So I can testify that many if not most people in the industry are just regular folks, just men and women earning a paycheck, plain and simple. I am sure the same is true for the record industry. So I just wanted to be clear that I wasn't trying - and did not want to - tar and feather everyone. Also, I was not clear about the way in which my own experience relates to the awful people who do exist in Hollywood, whom I call The Porno People. I mentioned Mr. Rappaport in connection with those people, and I did so because of the larger schematic involved in the overall events of What Happened In Northridge. Mr. Rappaport was a film professor at CSUN (at least "by day"), and according to his IMDB bio, he was a graduate of AFI, so he has some connection to Hollywood, though perhaps small. However, his Pervert Credentials are straight out of The Hollywood Hills, and again I'll not go into detail tonight. But I speak the truth.
I have told you, and I will tell you again right now, that when I was rescued from the house of Jared Rappaport and his idiot wife (they are since divorced), I was not rescued by the Los Angeles Police Department, whom you would normally expect would undertake a rescue operation in a hostage situation in the city of Los Angeles. You would expect the SWAT Team, right?
But it wasn't like that for me. I was rescued by........well, I really don't know exactly.
What I mean is that I can't give you the name of an organisation, like LAPD, or Sheriff's Dept., or even FBI.
It was guys in jumpsuits. Guys that looked like something you would see in a movie.
Do you know how nowdays, you see these baseball players in the playoffs, and they are totally pro, they are great players, but they have long hair and gigantic beards? In other words, they don't look like you expect baseball players to look?
Well it's the same deal with who rescued me from Jared Rappaport's house at 9033 Etiwanda Avenue. It was soldiers, and they were totally pro, except - just like the pro baseball players - they didn't look like what you'd expect soldiers to look like. They wore jumpsuits, not uniforms. And they had longish hair (but no beards, thank God). But with every move they made, you knew - I knew - it was a military operation. I was rescued from that house by soldiers. Not cops.
Why soldiers? I don't know to this day.
But the other Straight Up Truth is that the man in charge of the soldiers, who was right there on the scene and who interacted with me directly, was the man who became The President Of The United States.
No lie. No hallucination or delusion. Just truth. I was taken away on a helicopter when it was all over, medivacked as they call it, and people on Etiwanda Street witnessed it.
So what we have here, leaving out the most bizarre aspects which are documented in my book, is that Mr. Rappaport, a sexual psychopath who was also a film professor and had maybe some minor Hollywood connections, somehow warranted, when he kidnapped me, a response by an elite military unit headed up by........you know who. Rappaport may or may not have had any Hollywood connections, but he most definitely had Porno Person Connections. That was his whole identity, his real self, the self he showed to me. In the way that Jeffery Dahmer will never be identified with whatever job he worked at, but as a cannibal, so will Rappaport be known as a Porno Person, who just happened to have a day job as a film professor. But I know who he really is.
And either he - or me - warranted a secret rescue response. If it was me that warranted such a high level response, I cannot imagine the reason. But if it was Rappaport the Porno Person who warranted such a high level response, ahhh.......then we might have something there, because of the Network Of Secrecy that goes with all of this stuff.
Now, to be clear once again, what happened to me was so off the charts that it doesn't fit into a box or paradigm of any kind. But sexual sadism was at the center of it, at least in the event that involved Jared Rappaport (and his stupid wife). And it's been covered up and never acknowledged.
And that's because the connections of The Porno People run deep, and are interwoven into all kinds of other Demonic activity.
My point tonight is not to highlight for the umpteenth time the extremely unusual aspects of what happened to me inside the house of my crazy neighbor, and of the people who responded to that situation, but of the secrecy.
You see, it is really the secrecy that is the overarching problem, because the secrecy provides the cover for the Demons to operate. Harvey Weinstein is a Demon. So is Bill Cosby. But hey, Harvey gives big money to all the right charities, and he wins Oscars for all his filmmakers and actresses. So he must be a good guy, right? And Cosby? He was the Jello spokesman. How kid-friendly is that? He had "The Cosby Show"; he was America's Dad. That's not my moniker - it's what the celebrity press and the publicity departments called him. Bill Cosby was "America's Dad".
So what you are dealing with here - what we are dealing with, all of us - is not just crime.
What we are dealing with is Demonology, the study of pure evil. People who view other people as prey.
Most predators have regular jobs to hide behind, which do not afford much protection if they are caught, neither in pay nor prestige.
But the predators in Hollywood - The Porno People - have gotten away with it for so long because they have a Huge Wall protecting them. First of all, they make bucketfulls of money, more than you or I will ever see. They also have Huge Mansions, with long driveways and gates. They have Very Powerful Security around themselves, at their workplaces and at home. Cops know better than to come knocking at Weinstein's door. Or any number of doors of these motherfuckers, and believe me, Harvey Weinstein is but the very, very tip top of the iceberg.
Porno is what they do. Evil is what they are. I kid you fucking not, and once again sorry about the f-words but they are needed in this case.
But beyond the money, and the walled-off enclaves and security protection at work and silence from the cops, what these Demons have protecting them the most is their secrecy.
Because they are all part of a Network. Everybody knows who is doing it, and everybody knows who it's been done to, and for decades.....this is just the way it is.
The Demon Predators make the rules. And you'd better keep it a secret.
Women usually do, because they are physically not as strong, and they are also historically the most persecuted "minority" (though that classification is not accurate because they are half the population). But still, let's face it - women have been kept down more, and for far longer, than black folks or any racial or ethnic people you care to name.
And the Demonic Predators know this. And so they take their horrific advantage. And as for you women? Well you'd better keep it a secret. Because that's the way it is.
But I am one man who says, "Oh yeah? Well guess what? That's not the way it is".
I stand up and tell the truth about The Porno People, so far as I know it, and in direct relation to what happened to me and a person close to me, who has chosen to remain silent for all these years.
I say "Fuck You" to The Porno People, to every last one of them, and to their secrecy especially. And to everyone who abets them by maintaining silence.
What I have going for me is a huge Force Of Will, and if it takes me the rest of my life I will uncover and make public what happened to me, just as Rose McGowan did. She is a hero for standing up.
And so I encourage anyone reading this to do the same.
Talk!, and Start Talking!
Fuck the Porno People, fuck the Military and Government Secret Keepers.
Fuck 'em all, wherever they may be.
We have truth going for us, and as we are seeing, by the courage of Rose McGowan and others, truth is a Powerful Force.
So talk.
That's all for tonight.
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