No movie tonight, but I did watch a pretty cool episode of "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" in which Captain Crane and an undersea photographer (played by "Batgirl" Yvonne Craig) are sent down in a diving bell to a depth of 4000 below the ice in Antarctica, to search for a rumored cavern leading to a sub-oceanic Tropical Paradise. Her father had become lost on a prior undersea expedition and was never heard from again. The only survivor of that first trip, a sailor played by the doomed Nick Adams, has been rescued, but with total amnesia of his experience.
He rides along with Captain Crane and Yvonne Craig in the diving bell for the second excursion, and as they pass below 4000 feet, they are hit by a massive underwater current that breaks the cables on the diving bell and pushes it into.........the cavern leading to the Tropical Paradise.
All of a sudden they are on land in a place that looks like....oh I dunno....Polynesia, or Tahiti, or even Gilligan's Island. There is even a sky above, which leads one to believe that the journey through the underwater cavern has ultimately deposited them back on the surface of the Earth, somewhere in the wild middle of Antarctica. Now that is Cool Sci-Fi.
The only bummer is that there are Giant Dinosaurs on the island, as well as a Tribe Of Savages who want to kill them. The special effects with the Dinos are truly outstanding, and once again producer Irwin Allen must be credited with an innovation that likely caught the attention of a young Steven Spielberg.....
"Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" really was a great show, and though there was a Kid Factor at work, or perhaps it would be better to call it a "Gee Whiz" Factor that would apply to both children and adults (the suggestion that we suspend disbelief in the name of "Gee Whiz"), there was still always a Serious Science Fiction Element Lurking Beneath The Surface (hence the show's title). Especially in it's first season, "Voyage" dealt with some Weird Stuff, hinting at serious hidden issues without coming right out and declaring them. In this particular episode, one could suggest the Piri Reis map of 1513, which is well documented now (just Google "Piri Reis map" + Antarctica), which depicts Antarctica as a continent free of ice. It is a fact that there is a landmass under the ice. That's why it's a continent and the North Pole is not. So who knows what it once was like, before the ice covered it up?
Not me. I have no idea. But likely the entire planet once had a more uniform climate. An Ice Cap is an extreme reaction to atmospheric conditions, especially when the rest of the planet is moderate to varying degrees. Tonight is not the time to speculate on the cause of the Ice Cap, or what is underneath it, but I'll bet ya there are a Ton Of Ruins down there, and probably a lot of Dino Skeletons too.
And very likely some Weird Stuff too. We've gotta make it so the public gets to hear about the Weird Stuff too. Not just the military and the scientists and others on the scene.
They've gotta include the rest of us as well. And not just in Smithsonian magazine or in some other watered down version. We wanna know The Real Deal of What's Out There, and Down There. :)
Well Elizabeth, I see from this morning's photos that you are all the way over to the West Coast, in Washington. You are The Travelin'est Girl In The World, I think. It's gotta be due to your Sagittarian nature, the sign of travel. :)
I hope you are doing well and having a great time. I also saw the Versus Me video from Sonic Boom. I don't know if you filmed it, or maybe you did parts of it and someone else put it together. It looked great, and the fans were out in force. That is your band, and you have been with them almost from the get go..... :):)
That's all for tonight. Post more if you can. :)
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