Sunday, October 8, 2017

"One Step Beyond" + Non-Locality

No movie to report tonight, but I did watch an especially weird episode of "One Step Beyond", which I will have to give a spoiler to attempt to explain. I hope you don't own the complete series dvd set, or if you do, hopefully you have progressed to Disc Six and have thus already seen the Episode In Question. That way I'll not spoil it for you, even with my spoiler.

A middle-aged man and wife come home to their New York apartment after having dinner at a pizza restaurant (man, I love pizza, and there is no doubt that you do too, but anyhow...), as they are getting ready for bed, the man starts to convulse, then to scream. His wife is startled out of her wits. He starts to talk what seems at first to be nonsense, mentioning another woman's name. He keeps saying, "Edna, come find me". Edna was the kind of name you might have heard in the late 50s, like Ethyl or Norma. Well anyhow, the man's wife has no idea who "Edna" is, and the next morning she asks him if he is seeing another woman. He assures her he is not, and to make matters worse, he is getting sick and is short of breath. By nightfall the next day, he is babbling again - "Come find me, Edna".....and mentioning other names, talking about an "arroyo", a Spanish word not used in New York, to describe a small canyon. Soon after this he is almost comatose and is rushed to the hospital. He can barely breathe. A doctor diagnoses him with extreme dehydration but can find nothing else wrong. However, the man is dying. A priest is called, and while he is administering Last Rites, the man babbles a name. The priest then asks the assembled - wife and associates - if they have ever heard of a Mister Such-And-Such. They have not, but the doctor gets on the telephone in a last ditch attempt. A location was also mentioned by the dying man, somewhere out west in the desert. Phoenix? I think that was it. So the doctor calls an operator there, and asks if there is a Mister So-And-So in the directory.

Holy Smokes.......there is. But he is not home.

The locale of the show then cuts to the Phoenix living room of the man whose name was babbled by the man dying in New York. The Phoenix man's wife believes she has just received a crank call from some New York "doctor" asking about her husband. They don't know anyone in New York. Still, something is weird; she and her husband had had an argument. He had left the house a day ago and has not come back. The "doctor" from New York had asked her if she knew anything about an "arroyo"....

OMG. There is a local dry river bed that her husband likes to walk along. But how would the New Yorker know such a thing? Perhaps it wasn't a crank call after all. Her husband still hasn't returned. The "doctor" from New York mentioned that his patient - the one who babbled her husband's name - was dying of dehydration. Something very strange was happening.

The doctor calls back. "Is there anywhere your husband could have gotten lost along that riverbed"?

The woman thinks for a moment....... "Well, there is an old mine shaft down there".

Even that slim chance is enough to get her moving, despite the bizarre nature of the circumstances.

She and a friend are then shown entering the mine shaft, calling out the name of her missing husband.

From the darkness comes a feeble response. He is there. He is trapped by a fallen support beam, the mine shaft has partially collapsed, and the man is near death. His lips are swollen and he can barely speak.

Then the camera closes on his face. He looks exactly like the man from New York who originally had the hallucinations, and who is now dying of dehydration in an oxygen tent in the hospital.

The two men are Identical Twins. They were given up for adoption, at birth, and neither one ever knew of the existence of the other........until this experience came to a conclusion. ////

Okay, people. This is me talking again. If you are thinking that I got Major Goose Bumps upon that surprise ending, then you are correct. I mean, I have no twin myself, and therefore no personal connection to the story, but it was Just Plain Really Weird, and so the goosebumps, and anyway I Like Weird, as you know. My motto was once "If it ain't weird, I'm not interested". I have since modified my motto, but get the idea.

In this episode, as explained by Your Host John Newland, it was all about the Non-Locality Principle, in which quanta, and thus atoms, molecules and people, once bonded at a sub-atomic level, are thereafter connected permanently by that bond, which may present itself through subliminal communication in times of extreme stress. These were identical twins who had not known of each other in "real world" terms. They had never known they had a twin sibling. And yet they were always connected on a subatomic level known as Non-Locality.

This is a mindblower, especially if you are psychic, and you know that you are.

And it shows you what your bonds are, even if you are not a twin.

It's all about who you are connected to on a sub-atomic level. That's non-locality.  ///

See you tomorrow in church.

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