Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Soaked In Bleach" + You Be The Judge

Tonight's movie was "Soaked In Bleach", a documentary about the death of Kurt Cobain. Good Lordy Moses. Like many, I have thought that something didn't add up about his supposed "suicide", and my suspicions were heightened when I first saw "Kurt & Courtney" twenty years ago. That was the first documentary, made by Nick Broomfield of the BBC, that questioned the official findings and brought major attention to the case. "Kurt & Courtney" also placed Tom Grant in the public eye for the first time, he being the private investigator hired by Courtney Love herself to ostensibly look for her husband in early April 1994, after he disappeared following a short stint in a Los Angeles area rehab center. Love's story confused Grant. He had also caught her in outright lies and he began to suspect that something was very fishy with her story. In the months after being hired by Love, Tom Grant would begin to suspect that she herself was involved in a plot to murder her husband Kurt Cobain.

"Yeah, yeah.....just another conspiracy theory", I hear you say.

Well, not You, per se, but The General You. You know what I mean. Some people - make that many people, and possibly even most people (I dunno, I haven't taken a poll) simply take things they Hear On The News at face value. If Anderson Cooper said it, it must be true. Or, if you are a Right Winger, if Hannity said it, it must be true. Not many people think for themselves. I must give a short aside, so that I may give an example by way of the horrible Las Vegas shooting. Have you seen the videos that are circulating, by folks who were on the scene? Well, there is one made by a cab driver. I admit it seems a little suspect because of her seemingly causal attitude about loud automatic gunfire. Most folks would have driven away from the scene immediately; she very matter-of-factly reports on it as she's filming, "oh, sounds like automatic I'm parked here at Mandalay Bay". She doesn't sound spooked in the least, in fact almost amused and totally casual. With today's technology, one could imagine her spiel being a voiceover recorded afterwards. For what reason I do not know.

Or more likely, she could be a Total Nitwit, who is so inured to the insanity of life, and also possessed of a low three digit IQ, that the sudden aural appearance of very loud machine gun fire does not phase her. In short, she sounds like an idiot, or it's a false voiceover, but that's not my point.

My point is the sound of the gunfire. It clearly sounds like two different shooters. I mean, it clearly sounds that way. C'mon, folks........let's get real.

So to get back to my Original Point (and I do have one, as someone once said), what I would do in the case of Las Vegas, as per this video (and others), is to ask everyone this question : "What do your ears tell you is happening"?

Forget Anderson Cooper; forget Hannity. What if you had not heard their explanations? What if you just saw and heard that Nitwit Taxi Driver's video, and that was all you knew? What would you say your ears are telling you?

I know what my ears tell me.

Just like I knew what my gut, and my eyes and ears, and my heart and soul, were telling me about 9/11 as I watched it live, before the news media had a chance to pollute the waters and a couple of days before Dick Cheney appeared on Meet The Press to Explain What Had Actually Happened For Everyone.

What a crock, and so puh-leese spare me. Same deal with Las Vegas : Please Spare Me.

And to get back to Kurt Cobain, please spare me with the suicide ruling.

It is very important to clarify that I am not saying that I myself know what happened in any of these three cases, though in 9/11 I have read all the major books on it and have studied it like the JFK assassination, so it's fair to at least make some assumptions about what happened.

Still, I do not know specifically what happened with 9/11, or Las Vegas, or with the death of Kurt Cobain.

But I doggone sure know what didn't happen. And what didn't happen is the Official Story, The Line Of BS that we have been fed, as is usual in these cases, in order that we fall in line and go to sleep and forget the whole damn thing.

I'll not go on a tirade about 9/11 or Vegas. But as for Kurt, if you have even a slight interest in his life and music, watch "Soaked In Bleach" for yourself.

And then do the same thing I've asked you to do with the Taxi Driver video at Mandalay Bay : analyse the evidence for yourself. Don't let the Seattle Police do it for you. Ask yourself how you feel about Courtney Love and the evidence presented by Tom Grant and other forensic officers in this investigation.

Think for yourself. Trust your eyes and ears, and your sense of logic, and more importantly your common sense. Common sense is intuitive, which is why first impressions are often closest to the truth.

Well, anyhow, sorry about the tirade. Did I go on one? If I did, sorry about that. It's just that "Soaked In Bleach" made me mad that Courtney had gotten away with it for so long, whatever her level of involvement. She may not have pulled the trigger herself, but she knows who did, and likely arranged for it to happen.

"The truth will out", said William Shakespeare, and I believe he is right, eventually and in all situations.

I went on a nice hike at Chatsworth Park this afternoon. We are still having Indian Summer, today it was 97 degrees and very dry. Just beautiful. Reading my EVH biography and finishing Book Three of the Peter Levenda "Sinister Forces" trilogy.

My goodness.......   :):)

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