Monday, January 29, 2018

You Can Review It you want me to review the Eric Johnson concert, do you? I figured you would ask me, and I did review it over at Facebook a little while ago.

What's that you are saying? Oh are saying that, in your opinion, a pair of quotation marks with dots in between them (put there to signify empty space) doesn't constitute much of a review. Okay, fine. You are entitled to your opinion....

.....but did you notice the two Exclamation Points that I put at the end? They were located right after the second and final Quote Mark. You can go back and look at them if you want. Oh - you say you don't need to, that you'll take my word for it? Okay, that's fine.

So what did you think of the exclamation points? Did you notice I put two of them? Not just one, but two? I suppose I could have put three or four, but at some point it would've become redundant.

And I think I've just hit on the idea for why I am reluctant to write a review of the concert that includes actual words. Anything I might write about it would be redundant, even if I began the review with a simple "The", as in "The" (concert was) (add your choice of superlative here and then continue).

So as much as I hate to disappoint you, I shall not write a further review besides the existing one on Facebook.

I was hoping to say "I shant write a review", because I love to use "shant" whenever the opportunity presents itself, but in this case, the structure of the above sentence indicated the use of "shall not" instead.

If you ever wonder why the British once ruled the world, it's because they came up with words like "shant". And they say it with an English accent. So try to top that! Here in America, we've got "won't", which is okay I guess, but if we are being honest then we've got to admit that "won't" is no match for "shant".

Where was I? Oh yeah......sorry. Yeah I know you want an EJ review with actual words, but I think that using no words provides a much better description of the concert.

What I will do, so as not to leave you empty handed, is to briefly review Eric's new guitar, the semi-hollow White Strat with the single F-Hole at the top. It's called the Thinline Strat, and it sounds miraculous. Now there's a superlative for you! There are so many colors coming out of this guitar (or should I say colours?) that you can almost visualise them as you are hearing them. I thought of the penultimate scene in "2001 : A Space Odyssey", where the astronaut is flying through a canyon of kaleidoscopic colors, everchanging before his very eyes. He is flying headlong toward his rebirth.

That's what this guitar sounds like when Eric Johnson is playing it.

He had his old rhythm section of Tommy Taylor on drums and Kyle Brock on bass.

Arielle opened the show, a very talented young lady.

I took the subway down to the Regent, and maybe because it was a Sunday night, everything converged in my favor. No traffic to the Metro Station, a quick subway trip, seating in the venue (which usually has no seats), so I didn't have to stand for three hours. There were only about two or three hundred people there, so I got off the subway, walked a couple blocks to the Regent, then went in and found an excellent seat with no one sitting next to me and no Giants in front of me. My sightline was perfect.

So there are the details of my experience. A painless transit, an easy seat.......

But the Colors. I've seen Eric about a dozen times now, maybe fifteen. It's always about the Colors.

I can't describe his concerts to you in words. Eric's technique is so far off the charts that he's in his own league, but we already knew that.

 His music sounds like colors, in all kinds of combinations, volumes and textures. Some that you might not have known about but that will hit you right in your melodic center.

There is no review because you just have to go to the Eric Johnson concert for yourself, and then you can review it.

:):)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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