I am back at work at Pearl's, and Good Lordy Moses has the ant problem ever gotten out of hand since I left. I thought I had it pretty much under control last Saturday, but after four days away, when I came back they were everywhere. I'd had them stopped at the one electrical socket they were using as a point of entry, but now they were coming in from under the kitchen cabinets, and had formed lines going into the laundry room where we keep the cat food. Fortunately, one bag of dry cat food was sealed, so I brushed a few ants off of the outside, and......I had to put the bag in the car overnight. It is sitting in there now, in the car in the driveway. I didn't know what else to do, because the open bag of cat food that we had in the laundry room was toast. Ants all over it.
Ants!, I tell you. So don't make a nice little animated movie about them and tell me how beneficial they are to the scheme of things. They aren't "Antz"; they're ants. And in the house, they are one of the great nuisances of the human experience. Ants get all over everything, and they get inside everything, and they are a big fat hassle to get rid of, and when there are a jillion of them, you have to use poison.
And using poison in the kitchen sucks, because then you have to wash the living you-know-what out of every doggone surface and every dish, and the floor, to make sure you don't ingest any of that poison.
I'll tell you what, though. I am super vigilant on ants and other pests like crickets. Remember the Horrible Cricket Infestation Of October 2013 inside The Tiny Apartment? Well, even if you do remember it, forget about it now because we are talking about ants. Those crickets were weird and gross, but we dealt with them....
And now that I am back at Pearl's, we will deal with the ants, haha. They will be toast by tomorrow night, with no possible entryway, and by next week we will once again be making our meals in peace.
My theory on bugs is simple, and it's probably the same as yours :
1) Bugs outside = no problem. Live and let live, and even try not to step on 'em.
2) Bugs inside = depends which bugs and how many. I will remove a spider if he cooperates. Trap him under a cup and take him outside. Tiny moths or other miniscule flying creatures, no biggie. Roaches? God forbid. Just keep your house clean and you probably won't have them. If on occasion you see the odd one or two, just sweep them out with a broom. You likely won't have more.
3) But Ants? (or crickets)? = Kill.
And be relentless about it. Or your living space will soon be taken over because ants are fast and they manufacture millions of themselves, and they spread themselves far and wide. So do not monkey around, just get the job done. ////
End of freakin' ant story.
No movie tonight because Grimsley came over. We hung out at CSUN at an outdoor table. He wanted to tell me about his concert experiences during the recent heat wave. I hadn't seen Grim for a few weeks, because he has a hard time in Summer. The hot weather is very difficult for him, and each Spring he always says he is gonna move to Ventura where the temps are in the mid-70s during Summer. But he always ends up staying here in the Valley, one of the hottest places on Earth. I was thinking of Grim just after the 4th of July, because that was when the heat cranked up to 115, and the humidity came on strong a day or two later. For Grimsley, this scenario would have been a killer, but I knew he had a concert he wanted to see on one of those super hot evenings : "Dead & Company", which is the remaining members of The Grateful Dead, with John Mayer on guitar. Not my thing, but The Dead is Grim's favorite band; Jerry Garcia was his hero.
So he went out to Dodger Stadium that day, when it was record temperature and high humidity, and tonight he wanted to tell me about that concert, and others.
He also went to see Primus and Mastodon at The Greek Theater. Hated Mastodon, thought Primus was one of the greatest bands he has ever seen.
Me, I saw Mastodon open for Opeth in 2012. Thought they were really good. Never became a huge fan though.
Primus? Don't get me started.
Sorry, but if there is one thing I can't stand, it's Funk Slappin' Bass. And I can't deal with Les Claypool, though I'm sure he is a nice guy in real life.
So as you can see, Grimsley and I don't have a lot in common musically. 50% of my listening is classical music anyway, but the heck with it....
We also talked about Trump, and on that subject we agreed. He has got to go, and now.
I predict that Trump will no longer be the President Of The United States of America by December 31, 2018.
What do you think?
What is it that this man has, what personality trait, that has caused such temerity in so many men in positions of great power? People talk about impeachment, as if it were a worthy punishment for Donald Trump. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about getting a you-know-what from Monica Lewinsky.
Clinton was impeached for that, by Republicans, though he was not removed from office.
So to talk about impeachment concerning Trump is a half baked, wimpy and watered down idea.
This is a man who is a Major League Criminal.
He is an International Mafioso, through his decades long criminal business dealings.
He got in over his head because the Russian Mafia played him for a sucker, and then Putin made a tape of him with hookers. That's what the Steele Dossier refers to, and it is the straight up truth. If you wonder why Donald Trump will not say one bad word about the criminal dictator Putin, it is because Putin has a tape of Trump, with hookers......and etc, etc, etc.
You can fill in the blanks. And you can be sure that Trump never wants to see that tape come to light.
It never will (though maybe 50 years from now) because a guy like Putin knows that you always want to keep some of your cards under the table.
But Trump knows about it, because he was in it. He knows that he is on that videotape. And he knows that Putin has it.
Hey, don't take my word for it. I didn't even make it up. It comes from the Steele Dossier, which is what got this whole thing going. Google it if you wish.
Trump not only has proclivities with Russian hookers, but he also has monetary investments with the Russian Mafia, who of course answer to Capitalist Mafioso Vladimir Putin himself.
These are the major criminals of the world, folks.
Trump is not just a guy who misspeaks, and lies, and sides with Putin.
What he is, is one of the biggest criminals in American History.
To talk of mere impeachment of this man is not enough.
He belongs in prison for the rest of his life.
End Of Story. ////
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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