This blog was begun Tuesday night, September 29th 2020 :
As you know I don't usually mention politics, but tonight I'll make a brief comment to say that despite the chaotic debacle that passed for a debate, I thought Joe Biden did well. First of all, he dispelled any notion that he is senile. His answers - when he was allowed to speak uninterrupted, which wasn't often - were concise and informative. He didn't ramble and was actually pretty quick-witted for a 77 year old. I've been watching the post-debate coverage and I wish that more of the analysts had pointed those things out. All I kept hearing was how the debate itself was a fiasco, as if Biden had contributed to that result. No one actually said that; the blame was laid squarely at the feet of Trump and poor Chris Matthews (who did his best, I thought, in a no-win situation). But the press coverage reminded me of that old statement attributed to parents and schoolteachers who come upon a children's fight : "I don't care who started it, you're both in trouble"!
To me, that's the lazy way out. And calling the debate a fiasco without explicitly stating why, and without specifically calling out the one man who was responsible, is equally lazy in my opinion.
Yes, the debate was a total meltdown. But it was entirely because of Donald Trump. Joe Biden had nothing to do with it - he actually remained calm for the most part - and he turned in a surprisingly good performance. I just wish the pundits had emphasized that, instead of lumping the whole thing together as a "s***show", in CNN's words.
Having said all of that, I think Trump just pounded the final nail into his own coffin. He spent the whole 90 minutes ranting and raving, and talking over Biden at every opportunity, as we all saw. And while nothing can sway his base (he's right when he says he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they'd still vote for him), I think enough independent voters were turned off by what they saw to solidify Biden's lead in the crucial swing states (Pennsylvania, Florida, 'Sconsin, et al) past the point of no return. Trump's implosion on national television just finished off his political career, and with any luck, he will be sent to prison after leaving office, hopefully for the remainder of his miserable life, and with a little bit more luck, the arch-criminal William Barr will be sent away with him, never to be heard from again.
And having said all of that, I really don't talk much about politics, for good reason. :) /////
Now it's Thursday October 1st, late night, and the debate is old news because it's just come over the airwaves that Trump has Covid-19. I must say that I hope he doesn't get sick (and I would say that anyway, much as I despise the man) because I don't want it to become an election issue, or worse, interfere with the election. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we want it over and done with, especially since we're now in position for a big Biden win. /////
Elizabeth, that was an excellent response this morning to whoever the idiot was who made that racist post. I did see a name at the bottom of it, and I was surprised because it was under the heading of a person's photography studio. You don't usually expect that from a fashion photographer, but I guess racists come in all shapes and sizes. What's more amazing is that the person was willing to risk destroying their business and career by voicing their repugnant views. As we see with that heavy metal promoter, once such views are made known, you're toast (in his case I don't actually know what he said). I don't know what the issue was with the photographer, either, but it was clear she was insinuating something, and it was clear it was racially motivated. Trump has emboldened such people, but my guess is that in her case, it will be to her professional detriment. And good riddance, too. Anyhow, I hope all is well with you. Don't let the world get you down; things are gonna get better in every way, even if it takes a little time. :):)
It's now October, which means Halloweentime, and we're gonna have an awesome Halloween, covid or no covid. Y'know how "neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night can stop The Postman from his appointed rounds"? The same is true of Halloween. Nothing's gonna stop it, even if we can't go trick or treating. We've got two Full Moons this month; one was tonight, the other is on October 31st, so that's pretty cool right there. And, we can still put up decorations, carve pumpkins, etc.
Let's start October with a quick list of Ten Excellent Horror Novels That Are Not By Stephen King.
Here we go, in no particular order :
"City Infernal" by Edward Lee
"Weaveworld" by Clive Barker
"Boy's Life" by Robert R. McCammon
"The Count of Eleven" by Ramsey Campbell
"The Lost" by Jack Ketchum
"A Head Full of Ghosts" by Paul Tremblay
"The Orchard" by Charles L. Grant
"Odd Thomas" by Dean Koontz
"Toybox" by Al Sarrantonio (short stories)
"Prayers To Broken Stones" by Dan Simmons (short stories)
I love short stories (just like I love short movies!) and have recently begun Stephen King's latest collection, "If It Bleeds". I have also just yesterday received the Dan Simmons book from the Libe, and this is a unique case with this book, because I've checked it out several times over the years, beginning in the late 90s. I don't usually re-read a lot of stuff, with the exception of some SK classics, but with the Simmons book, there is a story inside called "Iverson's Pits", about a gruesome civil war battle, replete with ghosts, and it's so doggone scary and unforgettable that I am compelled to re-read it every five years or so. This will be about my fourth go-round, haha.
So yeah, read some horror fiction if you dare. Ed Lee is fantastic; another of his best is "The Black Train". Paul Tremblay, for me, is the best horror writer since King. He's just getting started, but has five horror novels out, one of them - "Growing Things" - features some of the most creative short stories you will ever read. I found myself thinking "how could anyone come up with this stuff"? So that's Tremblay for ya.
Charles Grant is another big favorite of mine. He will creep you out in a quiet way. He's what I'd call subliminal horror. I was just tonight checking Amazon for the availability of his older books, many are collector's items now.
Well, that's all for tonight. We are a month away from the election. Trump will soon be in our rearview mirror, and in the years to come he will be a distant memory, as will all his followers. There will always be racists, but without a cheerleader president they will fade back into the shadows, and with William Barr gone (or hopefully in prison), we will have an FBI and Justice Department that will keep a strong watch on militias and other lowlifes. So don't worry, and believe in The United States of America.
Stay Well and Stay Strong. I love you and will see you in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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