Thursday, October 15, 2020

What A Hike! (for Elizabeth) + Finally A Movie + How Could You Be Undecided?

 Elizabeth, those were some really great clips you posted from Porcupine Mountains. Such beautiful Fall colors, I loved the forest with the yellow leaves. Now, when you say you hiked 20 miles, is that all on a trail? Like ten miles out and back? I'm only asking for safety's sake, cause I saw (and you probably did too) that guy's encounter with the cougar. But, I know you are no doubt super careful.! That is what I call A Major League Hike. :) My longest one was 8 1/2 miles, at Rocky Peak in 2018, and I thought that was a big deal. But twenty? Man oh man. I suppose I could probably do it, but as you say, my feet (and knees) would not be happy with me the next day, lol.  :)

Those clips were beautiful though, and I know how much you love that park. What a wonderful place. I'm glad you had a great time and that you were able to get back out there.  :):)

I am off work as of yesterday, so I will be getting back out there, too. Today I spent time cleaning my decidedly dusty apartment, much needed after three weeks away, but tomorrow I will head out on the trail myself, and hopefully get a picture or two. Believe it or not, it's still 100 degrees here. 103 this afternoon.

I actually watched a movie tonight, also for the first time in three weeks. I figured that it's Halloweentime, so I better start catching up on my horror movies, and I found a really good one that I'd never seen : "The Masque of the Red Death"(1964), starring Vincent Price and Jane Asher (Paul McCartney's girlfriend at the time), and directed by none other than our pal Roger Corman. This was one of Corman's Edgar Allen Poe films, for which he had a bigger budget and access to a proper studio, and to an actor like Price, who plays the evil Prince Prospero from Poe's story with grim dedication. I won't go into a long review, because I am out of practice, but the movie looks fantastic - incredible sets and color. Corman always made the most of whatever money was allotted, and the results here look like a top flight Hammer Studios production. The adaptation is good, so is the acting all around. It's a little slow in places, but still merits Two Big Thumbs Up.

With less than three weeks to go until the election, I'm cautiously optimistic, though I should add that we thought it was in the bag in 2016, with Hillary way ahead in the polls, and we all know how that turned out. This time, though, it feels different, because Americans (and Amuricans), have now had four years of experience with Trump, and while nothing will sway his base (he's their Fuhrer), the rest of us have either had our fill (the Democrats) or at the very least are wary of electing him again (the Independents and "Undecideds"). The latter of those two groups live in the Swing States and love the power they derive from being able to decide an election every four years. They love being "undecided", because the focus is all on them : "what will the Undecideds do"? (hand wringing in the news media, etc.)

So that's all that is : being Undecided is a power trip, because - let's look at real life now - how in the Bejeezus could you be "undecided" about Donald Trump? The man is a Polarizer if there ever was one. Even he would agree with me. "How can you be undecided about me? Am I not the world's biggest a-hole? There's none bigger"! So that's the gist of it, and I bring it up because it's about time someone mentioned the power trip that the voters in these swing states are on. They get a thrill every four years about choosing our President, which is why we've gotta get rid of the Electoral College. Right now, the majority of voters doesn't matter, or Hillary Clinton would be President. 

But still, l think that Trump has worn us out to a degree (abetted by the media) that even the folks on the boundary of the Trump Cult, those who are not fully saturated with the Kool Aid, have had enough. So my fingers are crossed for a win. If the Presidency and the news media go hand in hand in the modern age, then Joe Biden is exactly the candidate we need right now. An older gentleman, smart, sincere, but slightly boring, who by his presence will send the extremists on both sides back to their hiding places. And - the news media having nothing shocking to cover - things will calm down. "Proud Boys", Antifa.......all of it dies without constant news coverage, just like a band whose records don't get played, or even a mosquito bite if you stop scratching it. 

That's all for tonight. See you tomorrow morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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