Well, Elizabeth, that is quite a story that your friend posted about going to North Korea. He has a lot of courage to have gone there, even as part of the French artists group. Man, you couldn't get me to go there, it wouldn't matter what delegation I was with. The place is just too damn spooky, and interestingly enough, North Korea is where the term "brainwashing" was first coined, to refer to the strange phenomenon, at the time of the Korean War in 1950-53 - of American pilots being shown on tv (in clips filmed in Korea) renouncing "American Imperialism" and the campaign against North Korea. Many of the pilots announced their "defections" in these clips, proclaiming communism to be the right way, and stating that they would remain in that country. The pilots appeared to be saying all of these things in a hazy monotone with blank expressions.
Later on, the CIA (which had only been formed a few years prior, in 1947) got very worried that North Korea had developed so-called "mind control" techniques, utilising drugs and hypnosis and other sensory tactics which amounted to torture, to literally re-direct the thoughts and opinions of the captured pilots and turn them to communism. And that is where the term "brainwashing" comes from, and it is also what led the CIA to begin their own research into drug-induced mind control, which is what led them to request a shipment of LSD from Sandoz, the first LSD that was ever brought into the USA, and which was used for the experiments I described last night.
The CIA was worried that the North Koreans - sponsored by the Chinese - had beaten them to the punch.
That's where all of the experiments leading to the creation of a Manchurian Candidate assassin were born; out of the Korean War, and out of the North Korean's capture of American pilots and the pilots' subsequent, drug-induced, "confessions" and "defections".
At that point, in the early 1950s, hard core research into the manipulation of the mind was begun by the CIA, and it is only in the last 10 to 20 years, perhaps, that we the public are truly getting a handle on what the CIA's research consisted of. That's what I meant when I referred to the CIA as evil. And they are, no doubt about it. But they got their inspiration from North Korea.
That place is creepy to the max. Of course, they are a pipsqueak country, and have been sponsored by China, or they would have nothing. Korea, as the country used to be called when it was unified, became the "hedge" or borderline, after the war, between Chinese Communism and American-style Democracy in South Korea. It is of course a whole lot more complicated than that, especially in this day and age when North Korea has isolated itself, even against the Chinese, and now they have that crazy little dude blowing off nukes like they were firecrackers.
Essentially the Korean War never ended. It's just been smoldering away on the back burner for all these years as an uneasy truce, with the DMZ as the dividing line. During the war. America troops fought Chinese troops as much as they fought Koreans. But now China is in a difficult position. They have a capitalist economy, the #1 economy in the world, and so they need to get along with America and the West, but they also still have North Korea as their Frankenstein - their monster that they created, and now the monster is declaring it's independence, with a chubby Elvis Presley impersonator at the helm.
I'd better stop now, or I'll be writing all night about it.
But yeah, I would not go there for a million dollars, and I'll bet Valnoir would not go back for as much, either. Here in America, the CIA is an agency. There, in North Korea, it's the whole freakin' country.
The weirdest country in the world.
And so, the last person we need to be dealing with them, here in America, is Donald Trump, a man whose ego is based on one-upsmanship. "You threaten me and I'll threaten you more bigly".
I don't like to use crude language, but here I must : We are in the grip of the Two Biggest A-Holes In The World, as pawns in their childish yet deadly game.
Two babies in diapers, and yet no one is stepping up to stop them.
Dennis Rodman had announced today that he would like to step in. He is a friend of Elvis Presley, but unfortunately Dennis - though no doubt he means well - is only a basketball player and just a little bit kooky himself.
Where the heck is John F. Kennedy when you need him?
Doggonnitt, he would have nipped this thing in the bud. But in a little over half a century, America has gone from JFK to Donald Trump. Talk about brainwashing. Can you say "The American Public"? And "Television"? And "The News Media"?
And if you can factor in the intellectual laziness of the average American, and the sheer ingenuity of the Truly Evil CIA (and you have gotta trust me on how evil they are, it's no joke), to manipulate the psyche of the American Public to a trend of severe dumbing down, then you can begin to understand the formula that has been in place for over a half century, to try and keep China in check economically.
Because it was always about economics and money, and selling things to other countries to make fortunes.
It was never about a fear a communism taking over America.
We have always had the means, since WW2, to blow any other country to Smithereens. Completely.
Militarily, no country could win an all out war against the USA.
And in the nuclear age, the rest of the world has understood that, as horrible as it is, and there has been an uneasy truce.
But that little shit in Korea has seen his opening to assert his own ill-developed ego, now that his equivalent counterpart Trump is "president" of the United States. A man who speaks his own infantile language.
Trump is 71, and, impeachment or no impeachment, he will likely be gone off the planet in less than 30 years. The small chubby guy, the Elvis Wannabe, is probably in his 30s or early 40s (I have no idea and am too tired to Google it) and so he will be around a while longer, unless something happens to him.
The previous couple of generations made it through Hitler and Stalin and Mao. So we have got to make it through a couple of punks in comparison.
Thank God we can say what we want here in America. No matter what, we've still got the First Amendment, and as troubled as we are, I'd kiss the ground here before I'd set foot in North Korea.
That's all I know for tonight.
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