The quake about 90 minutes ago was a minor one, a 3.6, and was very short in duration, probably just 5 or 6 seconds, but it did feature a fairly scary jolt at the beginning - that feeling of being hit, by some giant unseen force - and it reminded me (as if I needed reminding) of what's so darn terrifying about these doggone earthquakes : two things, 1) the fact that you have no idea when they are coming; they arrive out of the blue every time, theories about "earthquake weather" notwithstanding, and 2) that feeling of a giant force. The Northridge Quake began with a huge boom, like an explosion, followed a split second later by a horrific jolt, 100 times worse than tonight, that felt like a gigantic fist striking our house from below. It was one of the most frightening feelings I've ever had in my life, and so, ever since then, when we get even a minor jolt, I still mentally prepare myself (as do all Angelenos), because you never know, in the first couple of seconds, if the jolt is gonna peter out or get worse. Although it must be said that in the Northridge Quake, there was no simple jolt to begin with, nor was there any question of the quake's strength. You knew it was a Huge Deal from the moment that boom went off.
In 1994, I immediately thought "this is The Big One". That's a phrase they've used for a long time, "The Big One". They've used it probably since the 1970s, after the Sylmar Quake in 1971 got everyone talking about earthquakes for the first time in my lifetime. I don't recall ever feeling any quake before that one, not even a minor one. But after Sylmar (a major quake but nothing compared to Northridge), you started hearing this phrase about "The Big One". It was probably coined by some news person or geologist, and it referred to the mega-quake that has been predicted to hit us here in Southern California for about 30 years now. When Northridge hit, in January 1994, my immediate thought was "This is The Big One". That's how great the force was. But as bad as it was, it turned out not to be The Big One.
And so ever since then, I have no desire to ever find out what The Big One is. I hope it won't occur in my lifetime (with apologies to future generations). But I've paid my earthquake dues, having been through Sylmar and Northridge, and - to a lesser but still frightening extent - the more distant but still strongly felt quakes of Whittier in 1987 and Landers in 1992. Yeah, I've got the same name as an earthquake, so go figure. But I've had enough, thank you very much. Other quakes will have to wait until I am gone, preferably about 40 years from now, unless major advances are made in life extension technology by then, in which case the waiting period will have to be extended....
And now I am just jabbering away, as happens now and again here at the blog, haha. :)
So forget about quakes, but what else can we talk about? No movie was seen tonight. I did watch an episode of "The Prisoner" with Patrick McGoohan, but you may not know that show, and I have ventured far too deep into the Realms Of Tiredness to explain it to you this even-ing. The evening, when everything evens out......
Now I am jabbering away yet again.
Well, so no movie was had, and I watched an obscure TV show, but I did finish H.P. Albarelli's masterful book on the JFK assassination, "A Secret Order". If you ever wanna know what the CIA is all about, read two books by Hank Albarelli. I have mentioned them before, "A Terrible Mistake", and "A Secret Order". And if you ever wanna know who the world's worst people are, it them - the people who run the CIA. Well, let's say they are tied, with the same kind of demonic people in Russia, China and most other countries with "intelligence" agencies. What these people are, are sociopaths, and in America they come out of universities like Yale and Harvard and Princeton. The usually have "bloodlines" that they consider to be superior to other Americans. Those at the top of the Agency, anyway. But in truth, now that they are being exposed in books like those of Mr. Albarelli, we can see these people for who they actually are, which is really not much more than a bunch of murderers and torturers, and people who conduct extremely cruel experiments on other human beings. In that regard, they are only slightly lesser than the infamous Nazi doctors, who are the Devil himself. And really, so are these CIA guys. They just haven't quite reached the Evil Pinnacle of the Nazis just yet....
But if you ever wonder why America is so fucked up (sorry to cuss but i had to), it's because we only have a democracy in name.
In reality, since about 1947 or so, the country has been shaped by these MFers in the CIA. We the people still drive our cars and have our freedom to buy stuff and to go to our jobs and lots of other stuff.
But the chaotic, divided, paranoid America that you see today, that we live in today, was created by the CIA.
The CIA, a bunch of spoiled-brat old money East Coast assholes from Yale who think they are better than everybody else. But they aren't. They are actually a lot worse.
They are a demonic organisation, run by sociopaths, and they are the reason why we have the America that you are living in today. ////
See you in the morning.
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