No movie tonight. Instead, Grim came over with another Jim Gaffigan dvd. The guy is pretty funny, I must admit, and he has a unique, almost stream-of-consciousness sense of humor. My main thing for today, though, was that I watched something on Youtube called The Patterson/Gimlin Film. There's a good chance you've seen it, too, or at least a short clip from it that has had wide exposure. The Patterson/Gimlin Film was shot in 1967 in Northern California and is more commonly known as the famous footage of "Bigfoot", who is seen striding across a forest landscape in the mountains. The footage lasts for about fifteen seconds, and at one point the "Sasquatch" is seen looking back at the camera for just a moment.
Have you seen it yourself? I mean the film clip, not Bigfoot in person. :)
I've seen it a few times before today, but only with casual interest. Today was the first time that I have deliberately looked it up at watched it out of my own volition, which came about because I am reading in my "Forbidden Archaeology" book about the evidence for what author Michael Cremo calls "living ape-men". (Coincidentally, they have been showing Tarzan movies nonstop on TCM since yesterday.....I think I may have to order some of the dvds.)
Back to "Forbidden Archaeology", I began reading this book at the beginning of March. It is 800 pages long and I am now at page 600. It is a long slog to get through, because the writing style is dry and academic, but I have hung in there because the author's research is game-changing - a serious challenge (and for me, a convincing challenge) to the theory of evolution, which - though it remains a theory - is taught as fact nowdays, and has been taught as fact for over one hundred years.
It's not a fact. Evolution is a theory. And, as it's explained, it sounds pretty reasonable, right?
Hmmm, maybe for a lot of people who look to science for all the answers about life, and - most importantly - who hold science - and scientists - as infallible. Of course, scientists are human, and humans are not infallible. Scientists are as subject to corruption and bias as are politicians. Both professions are trying to shape public opinion about What Is, and What Should Be.
We all are grateful for the many advancements of science, but we need to be clear that scientists are human, and they do not have all the answers, and when they state that they do have all the answers - when they take a theory and profess it to be fact - then they succumb to the same temptations that politicians do. They feel the need to always be right, and - in feeling that ego-driven need - they "spin" the evidence for their position so that it looks good to the world at large.
This kind of spin has been done with the theory of evolution to the most extensive level of any scientific theory in history. And this is because science, which is a wonder of mankind, is still based on man's reasoning process, which necessarily involves his ego. "I have deduced such and such, therefore I am right". If you don't think the need to be right is a powerful force, then you don't know human beings.
Evolution is based on morphology, the slight but progressive differences in fossil remains of species, said to have been discovered in late to more modern strata, that make up the fossil record of remains that have been discovered since the dawn of archaeology and paleontology in the late 18th century.
Because this is a blog, and a late night one at that, you know I haven't the time to go into a lengthy deconstruction of evolution, but if you have any questions I suggest you study the subject yourself.
Evolution would not have been a subject I would have given any consideration to until the last ten years or so, when I began my quest for truth in life. 1989, and then 2001, changed my perspective about what we perceive as real, and just as importantly - why we perceive it. We usually perceive what we believe to be real, and right, and correct, because someone we regard as an official expert has told us that the subject in question is real.
I must draw back now, because the hour is late. But this is why I am slogging through "Forbidden Archaeology", because it presents the strongest argument ever documented against evolution, and once you read it, it is very hard to argue against it's evidence.
What turned me against evolution?, you might ask. I was never, and am not now, a religious fanatic. I believe in Jesus Christ, and I will leave it at that. But as for mankind's knowledge of human origins, that is one enormous question. Think about that question for a moment. Have you ever asked yourself about life and death? Have you ever wondered where you were before you were born, and where you will go when you die? Of course you have. And even if you have great faith, which I have and I imagine you do too, you still know that those questions are mysteries for now. We believe we know where we will go when we die (which is faith), but we won't know for certain until we get there.
So we, as humans, only have faith to go on, as far as the meaning of life goes, but many of us find that faith is plenty. We admit that we do not know why we are here, or what our ultimate purpose is. And we don't propose to know where we came from.
But most importantly, those of us with faith can feel God.
I would guess that most of us have felt this presence since childhood. Do we know what God is? No.
I have no idea, myself. All I know is that God's presence is everywhere I look, and in everything I sense. But I have no idea what God is. And so I can't imagine where human beings came from, or why they came into being, or what their purpose is.
However, scientists - who are expert in using reason, and experimentation in the physical sciences, and who have helped to create the modern world - somehow assumed, after Darwin came along, that they also could figure out the answers to the ultimate questions, such as "where did Man come from".
And because we were all taught evolutionary theory in school, we all accepted it without question. And then most of us just let it go and never thought about it again. But as I got older, I did think about it, because evolution proposes that there is no ultimate meaning to life, that "survival of the fittest" can be merely attributed to "random selection".
The people who have perpetuated this theory - and who are calling it fact - do not believe in a higher power, nor do they see a purpose to anything. But most importantly, as far as the book "Forbidden Archaeology" is concerned, it seems that a lot of fossil evidence has been suppressed over the last century and a half, evidence that contradicts evolution, and basically disproves it if the truth be told, because there is a ton of evidence for scientific fraud and malfeasance where this subject is concerned. This is why I have worked through this book, which is a dry read, because it seeks to give us a truer perspective of our origins.
The author Cremo does not propose a theory of his own. All he does is show us the actual documented evidence, including that which has been suppressed, and he concludes that we still do not know where we come from, or how many millions of years we have been here.
We don't know. Just as we don't know what God is.
But there is a great deal of evidence, which has been suppressed by mainstream scientists, that homo sapiens have been on Earth for millions of years, and not a mere 100,000 as evolutionists would have it. Evolutionists, who propose that humans are nothing more than an advanced development of consciousness that originated with a single celled amoeba, and that there is no purpose for that consciousness but to "survive" and be "selected" by random chance.
You don't really believe that, do you? I didn't think so.
Well anyway, I didn't believe the Sasquatch film the first couple times I saw it. I never gave it much thought to be honest, but I just figured it was a guy in a monkey suit. But today, after I read about the incident in "Forbidden Archaeology", I decided to research it myself. And I found detailed analyses of the footage on Youtube, and now I am a believer.........I think. It looks pretty real to me.
Watch it for yourself and decide.
A quick message to Elizabeth : hey SB, I don't know if you read this anymore, but if you do, I haven't been able to see your posts (posts you like) for over a week now. FB is doing that stupid thing to me that they did about a year or so ago, where - every time I search "posts you like" - all that comes back is a short list of the exact same posts from years ago. It's like an FB logarithm that is frozen in place, and I see nothing new or current. Last time this happened, the logarithm eventually broke, and the new posts returned to normal, and I am hoping that will happen again soon, and asap. In the meantime, I am still here and still paying attention, just in case you've posted anything pertaining to me and are wondering why I haven't responded. It's because of stupid FB and their stupid systems. I haven't been able to see anything, though I did see your own personal FB post of the new Versus Me video, which you posted on the band's behalf. I am happy for James and Co., and I was at first hoping you had directed the video, but I see that was not the case. Even so, I hope that all is well, and if you are indeed working in a new job as I guessed at last week, I hope it is going okay. I will keep checking FB for things to return to normal, and I am sure they will. It did return to normal last time this happened, so fingers are crossed and I am right here in the meantime.
That's all I know for tonight. See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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