Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Coyote Of Aliso

No movie tonight, because I went over to Grimsley's during my evening break. We did see the tail end of the Warriors blowout sweep of LeBron, so that was awesome. Summer is saved and all is right with the world. Before I went to Grim's place, I stopped at Aliso for a twilight hike. One thing I love especially about this time of year is how long it takes for the Sun to go down. The color in the sky lingers, and the dusk takes on a tangible, fairy-tale quality down in canyons like Aliso, where the trees are old and thick. They feel like the inhabitants of the place; people, in other words. I thought of the trees in "The Wizard Of Oz", most of which I saw on TCM just last night.

Aliso Canyon is magical at twilight in Summer. You can't really do twilight hikes at any other time of the year because the Sun is hauling ass to get out of the sky. The critters know this, too, which is why you see more of them once June rolls around. It was Bunny Central on the trail, they were hopping this way and that, and always stopping between hops. They don't seem to be afraid of humans, because they will stop and sit there and stare sideways at you.....but they won't hop away until you get too close.

I think they are just playin'. I saw about a dozen of 'em this eve.

And then, on my way back down the trail......I came around a corner and I saw The Coyote.

As opposed to The Bunnies, I think there is only one of him, or her as the case may be. Every time I see The Coyote, it is in the same general area of the 1.75 mile trail, always in a spot about halfway back, near a ditch that runs across the dry creek bed. Maybe he or she lives near there, and it's gotta be the same one, very skinny and mangy. This time it's coat didn't look too bad though. I came across it closer than ever before, about 20 to 25 feet away. There is a bend in the trail just before this ditch, and every time I have seen the coyote it has been when I am coming around the bend, so it's always a surprise. The previous times, he or she has been further away, and has trotted off almost immediately into the brush. But this time, perhaps because of the surprise of the encounter and the close proximity, the coyote stood there for a second or two. I stopped upon seeing it, but I wasn't scared because I think it must be used to humans on the trail, and also - as noted - it is very skinny and doesn't have a scary vibe. You are not expecting to see it when you are just doing your ordinary walk down the trail that you've been down many times, and so when you do see it, your mind operates faster than your reaction does. And the first thing your mind registers is what it sees, which is what looks exactly like an underweight German Shepherd.

So your thought and your reaction happen together, one after the other, in a millisecond.


You see a dog and you know it's a coyote, and then you wish you had brought your camera, because tonight was the first time it stood still for a few seconds. And then, when it trotted into the brush, it stood and looked back. I could've got my first coyote picture tonight, had I brought my cam, but I was in a hurry to complete my walk and hadn't planned to take photos.

Next time for sure. The Coyote is wild and not friendly, but neither is it terrified of humans, nor does it seem aggressive. I will eventually get my photo. ///

I was very sorry to hear about Anthony Bourdain, as we all were. We used to watch his CNN show "Parts Unknown" here at Pearl's, back in about 2015 I'd guess. It showed on Sunday nights at around 6pm. We would watch him go all over the world, eating all kinds of food and talking with all kinds of people. One of my favorite shows of his was when he went to Israel and ate at a small restaurant that was co-owned by two men, an Israeli and a Palestinian. They were trying to promote cross-cultural brotherhood through the shared experience of good food, which was what Bourdain spent his whole career doing. Everybody likes to eat, and everybody likes to share in friendly conversation.

I would guess that meds will factor into his death. Chris Cornell and also Kate Spade died in the same horrific way, which I won't describe but which you are aware of.

I truly believe that there is something horrible within these so-called "medications", that would cause depressed people to do this particular thing to themselves. Robin Williams was another. He did the exact same thing, and he was on the same kind of poisonous psychotropic meds.

These meds are Of The Devil, there is no doubt.

I believe they let voices into peoples heads.

The drug industry is pretty evil unto itself.

Don't take drugs, neither street drugs nor prescription.

Stay alive and talk about life with other people. Talk about what you think and what you love....

And what you are feeling.

See you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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