Happy Wednesday, my Darling,
I just wanted to tell you that me and the Kobedog did go to O'Melveny Park this morn, and as you may have seen on FB, we saw a deer. Three of them, actually. A lady walking by pointed them out, or I'd have passed right by them. O'Melveny is one of the biggest parks in Los Angeles, and the Valley's biggest, and it sits right up against the mountains at the northern edge of the Valley, so they do have some wildlife. Mountain lions, according to the signs, and also rattlesnakes. I've never seen either of those guys, and I'd never seen a deer there, either, but there they were, going through a trash can. I tried to get more photos using my newly discovered digital zoom feature, but Kobedoggie kept pulling at his leash, causing the camera to jiggle. But at least I got the one pic.
I hope you are enjoying your afternoon. I am gonna go pick Pearl up from Reseda Women's Club in a few minutes, and then Grimsley wants me to help him sell his car by taking a pic for Craigslist. So I'll be in and out for a while, and then around for the rest of the day beginning at 4:30.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:20pm : Listening to various organ pieces. Nothing major this evening, just been reading my Beatles book. It's so full of detail, and I am at the beginning of the story which takes place in postwar England, in Liverpool, which was a pretty grim place. But reading the book makes you want to visit, in kind of the same way that a person who reads Charles Dickens might want to visit the former sites of his grim but wonderful stories.
Other than that, and the deer sighting, it was an ordinary day, just back and forth. I hope the rest of your day was good, and that your video project is coming along.
I will see you in the morn. I Love You, my Angel.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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