Tired Beyond Measure. Huge Bags Under My Eyes. Can't sleep in tomorrow cause of The Eclipse. I mean, I could sleep in but I don't wanna miss it. SB, it looks like you guys are gonna get a pretty serious version of the eclipse in Chicago. I just checked the simulator and it looks like about 80% or more. Are you gonna take any pictures? I hope so. Post 'em if you do. I am a knucklehead and forgot to bring my camera to Pearl's. We are gonna get a 60% eclipse, which is pretty cool, but not as much as you will get. I have no idea if you are reading this, but anyhow, hope you get some cool pics; not necessarily of the Sun itself, but perhaps just photos of regular surroundings lit by The Quality Of Light.
Isn't it a trip how, in the pathway of a 100% eclipse, the Moon fits exactly over the Sun, from our vantage point here on Earth? Hmmm......I wonder how that happened.
And I am not joking. Could someone have Parked The Moon? I know : "C'mon, Ad - way too far out".
It's just that : Isn't it interesting that, from the vantage point of Earthlings, the Moon fits exactly over the Sun. And that's not the only interesting thing about the Moon and it's placement in the sky. You can Google it. I'm too doggone tired to describe it tonight.
Have you heard of the Kardashev scale? He was an astronomer in Russia in the 60s who must have contemplated the UFO phenomenon, because he came up with a series of classifications of the potential technological development of global civilisations, based on their ability to harness power, the physical power inherent in the Universe. You can Wiki him for exact descriptions, but for a generalised view, I can tell you that a Kardashev "Level One" civilisation has the ability to harness all the energy that is transmitted to it's planet, by the planet's parent star. So, for us that means we are on our way to becoming a Level One Civilisation. We have harnessed electricity (transmitted), Fossil Fuels (a result of the biological energy distillations, over time, here on Earth. And we are working on Solar and Hydrogen energies. And of course there is Zero Doubt that elusive elements within the military and elite defense contractors like Raytheon and others have developed technologies that far surpass those which we, the public, are aware of. They just want you to drive your gas-powered, smog producing car for as long as they can, because they (or rather, They) own oil companies. They just wanna sell all their product before they are forced to switch. But you already know that.
Anyhow, a Kardashev "Level Two" (or "Type Two") would be a civilisation that can directly harness all the energy from it's parent star. Not via solar panels, but like having a direct plug-in to the Sun, perhaps through the use of mirrors in space, and other utilities that would vector all of the star's energy into a controlled system of massive storage, for abundant use over the entire planet, which would then be diversified by other technological means for every aspect of energy consumption on the host planet.
So for us, "Level Two" would be if we could harness the Sun for every last type of energy we need. For cars, for ships, for factories, cities, the whole planet. Everything run by the Sun, which is releasing a constant nuclear reaction.
Kardashev "Level Three" would be if a civilisation could control the energies of an entire Galaxy.
So now we are talking about Parking The Moon, or - more presentable to every Star Wars fan thanks to Mr. Lucas - actually creating a planet-sized Space Ship like the Death Star. Now, you can Google that too. I can't remember which one it is, but the Death Star looks very close to one of Saturn's moons.
So you know that's why George Lucas depicted it that way, as a Spaceship.
Lucas is a Billionaire pioneering filmmaker, and so - like Spielberg (who made "Close Encounters") has been made Privvy To Stuff.
There is a Kardashev "Level Four" (he calls it "Type Four" but I like "Level" better) which calls for the harnessing of the energies of the entire Universe. You can cue Michio Kaku for that one.
I am outta here because I am Far Beyond The Realms Of Tiredness. If Kardashev did a Tiredness Scale, I would be a Level Four. I would have Harnessed The Tiredness Of The Entire Universe.
But the Important Point for tonight is........that exact fit of the Moon over the Sun.
If that doesn't strike you as at least a tiny bit strange, then you aren't paying attention. ///
See you tomorrow after the Eclipse, or the Sleep-In, whichever comes first........
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