Super Sunday Night Tired. Running on three hours sleep from last night. Used to it by now, but still tired. Good singin' in church, though, so it's always worth it to make the sleep sacrifice. Having finished the Peter Levenda book yesterday, I immediately began the Michael Salla book today. Did I mention him yesterday? I think I did - that his books seem to be half fascinating and half hogwash. I have just begun his second book about the Secret Space Program here in the United States, which is very much real and can be read about in other books besides Michael Salla's. But I am reading his book, and it is called "The U.S. Navy's Secret Space Program & Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance". The book starts off with a very interesting eyewitness description of the semi-famous "Battle Of Los Angeles" UFO experience in February 1942. The eyewitness is a now elderly WW2 Navy Veteran, who was a 17 year old kid who lived within sighting distance of the UFOs at the time of the incident.
I'm too tired to go into a long description of what he saw, but I will say that - after reading his description - that it has The Ring Of Truth. This man is now 91, so what possible reason would he have to invent a story at this point in his life? It is documented that he was in Naval Intelligence.
The bottom line is that one of these Los Angeles (Santa Monica/Long Beach to be more precise) UFOs was shot down and captured by the United States Army Air Force a full five and a half years before the Roswell Incident. The man's testimony rings true.
What blows my mind about this book - even though I do not fully trust Dr. Michael Salla as an investigative researcher, because he promotes the obviously phoney Corey Goode story - is that he goes into detail about Obscure Stuff that would not cause most readers to take notice, but which strikes a resounding chord in me.
For instance, he goes into detail about a secret research and development program at San Diego Naval Air Station that was begun in the early 1940s, to try and reverse engineer one of the two Battle Of Los Angeles UFOs that were captured in February 1942.
Most writers - actually nearly all writers on the subject - write about Roswell or Sorocco as the start of the UFO Phenomenon (which was the title of UFO's first album, haha). But Michael Salla, for some reason - he being the author who is not to be fully trusted - writes about The Battle Of Los Angeles and San Diego Naval Air Station.
The rest of this blog might read as a bunch of gibberish to you, of whatever classification of gibberish you wish to ascribe to it, but :
I developed a fascination with San Diego Naval Air Station twenty years ago, in 1997. My Dad had taken me there in the mid-1960s, when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I would guess we went maybe a half dozen times. We toured battleships and subs, even an aircraft carrier.
But that's not why I was fascinated with the place.
I was fascinated, to a degree of permanence (meaning that it won't go away), to a point where, when I first went online, when I first went on a computer in 1997, I started to write a series of Really Weird Blogs about things that were based on what I will call "pre-childhood" memories, and in my case many of them had to do with military.......things.
You can call them "visions", or "dreams", or anything you might wish to call them. You can even use derogatory terms if you would like. It's no problem.
But the thing is that - these things, which seemed to be memories, came out of nowhere. And they mainly had to do with the military.
And for some reason I became fixated on San Diego Naval Air Station, beginning in 1997.
I wrote about the place when I first went on the internet, a year later in 1998.
And last year, before I ever read Michael Salla's book, I made some of my Crude Pencil Drawings with references to San Diego Naval Air Station.
So apparently it is a place of Great Psychic Import for me, because I have been thinking about it for a long time.
Salla also mentions Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, which is a Whole Nuther Story.
I know that nearly everyone who would read this would have no idea what I am talking about, but I feel the need, all the same, to write it down anyway.
Because these things are real.
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