Sunday, August 20, 2017


No news today (as usual). They say "no news is good news" and that is true in the General Sense, but in my life it is true only in the Boring Sense. I wish I had Some News For Ya, but I work all the time, and during my off hours I don't have anybody to do anything with. And - I've said it a million times but it "bears repeating" (cue high-pitched Jack White voice) - that I do not wanna just Hang Out With The Boyz anymore. I wanna get married.

Well anyhow........yeah, I know......."snoozeorama, Ad". Quit complaining. It's just that I need something to bring the old spark back. Then I will be the Life Of The Party that you know and love.

But the focus is 100% on Getting Married, and so I am now initiating a Mind Control Operation for the Desired Result. I am shy so I need a bit of help, lol. And also......I can't get married to just anyone. No dating for me, or anything like that. Those approaches don't work. I don't wanna marry someone I meet, but don't know, and like, but don't love. Love is Magic, and you have to Believe In Magic to find Love. Not "like" Love, which many marriages are based on, but Love That Was Meant To Be. And, for me anyway, I don't believe that can be found by dating. My whole life has been based on Meant To Be, i.e. Destiny, but a Gigantic Monkey Wrench has been thrown into the works, and I have been left to try and lift the train back onto the tracks all by myself.

This is a good place to wish a slightly belated birthday to President Bill Clinton, who turned 71 on August 19th - yesterday to those of you who will be reading in the morning, either anonymously from Maylasia, or those of you who know me and read regularly but never acknowledge.

If you read regularly but never acknowledge, you know all about our friend President Clinton. For me, he is like the big brother I never had, but kinda do have. You guys know what I mean, even if you never acknowledge.

Well anyway - super tired. A fairly easy song tomorrow morn, with just a sixty second vocal line for Us Tenors (only two of us). is ultra legato. Bel Canto style, meaning you have gotta sing it smoothly, with sustain and with volume (and emotion), but without belting it out. That's the hard part.

Lastly, I saw a post from the SB today, her first in a couple of weeks (at least that I have been able to see). SB, if you are reading, I saw a post about a friend who just had moved, like you, and who posted about the "chaos" of moving, and on top of which she had just gotten a puppy. I don't know if you meant that post for me (or if you just got a puppy yourself, which would be awesome), but if you did mean it for me to see, I got the message. If you want to re-establish the kind of communication we had before, I will be watching and I will be here. I still hope you are working on your music, and all of the things I have always hoped for for you, and everything is the same on my part. But I will leave it up to you beyond that, because I really need communication these days and the more direct the better.

See you in the morning (and those of you from Maylasia too, and those of you who are Psychic Vampires and who know me and read but never acknowledge).  //////

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