Friday, September 11, 2020

Your New Song (for Elizabeth)

Elizabeth, wow that is such a beautiful song. Your lyrics and vocal melody are exceptional, and it's the kind of thing everyone needs to hear right now. You are so right on in your message about happiness being a choice. Whoever told you that was right on the money, and as you say in your lyrics it's available to everyone. All you have to do is "go look for her yourself". This is what the world needs right now. I'm kind of have such a lovely voice, and it's capable of really delivering the emotion in your words, and combined with your knack for melody, it brings on the goosebumps. You say a lot in a few lines, and I hope, hope, hope that you are developing (or have already developed) the section that you posted into a full song. Gotta "drill sergeant" you on that score, but in a good way. 

I can't reiterate enough - and will keep doing so - that you have great songwriting talent. Just one example that I liked from tonight's song is the way you personified Happiness. You begin by singing about it as a state of mind, but then you lyrically switched it to human form, in the line "go look for her yourself", and the switch is seamless. That's the mark of good writing. Then you continue in that way, and make another lyrical switch, this time temporal, where you sing of the subject (happiness) "she's living in the present". So you've taken happiness as a state of mind and turned her into a woman in the here and now.

That's some damn good writing, Elizabeth. That's the kind of songwriting-as-metaphor, and as storytelling, that all the best singer songwriters have done since the 1960s. 

I trust that you are planning, at some point, to record all your latest songs. Please tell me that tonight's song is either already finished or "in the works". I say that because it's brilliant, and right now it's only posted on Instagram Stories, where it will disappear in 24 hours. That cannot happen. It cannot be a temporary reflection. You've gotta finalise it. 

Girl, you have got to consider making an album of your songs at some point, even if it's a little ways down the line, and even if you haven't written or finished all the songs yet. You've just gotta do it, even little by little, no matter if it takes some time.  :):)

The thing is, you have a lot to say, and you have the musical talent to say it in a unique and beautiful way. Eventually, you could make a record combining your piano music with your current singer/songwriting. Wow, what an album that would be!

I hope you don't mind that I sent you a message on Instagram. I'm "koberdee" there, which I think I mentioned. So if you got a message from koberdee (named after the late, great Kobedog), that was me! First message I've sent you in a long time, but I had to, because I loved your song. 

I love you too ya know.

See you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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