Monday, August 10, 2020


Hi again Elizabeth,

Just a quick note to say goodnight and that I hope you had a nice evening. I discovered something new on Instagram. I was looking at your pictures and for whatever reason I moused over your profile pic, and the mouse icon became a clickable "hand", so I clicked it, and voila! - a feature came up that is similar to "stories" on Facebook. I saw a picture of basil leaves against a black background. I think your comment was "basil and sunlight". The green color was nice and deep.

No doubt you use the basil leaves for cooking. I myself would use them in spaghetti sauce (minced of course). I'm not a five star chef, but I do make a mean marinara, one of my (few) specialties, but man I love spaghetti.........and lasagna........and pizza......and anything Italian.

And it's a wonder I can maintain my weight (hence the miles-long walks and hikes, lol).

I'm hoping you are feeling better about things. I am so grateful for you.

Sweet dreams and I will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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