Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Dear Elizabeth

I hope you are having a nice day. I went for a CSUN walk this afternoon and listened to some music. No hikes yet, but I'll get back to it. Well anyway, I just want to apologize again for whatever went wrong. If I took you for granted or wrote something stupid or insensitive, I am sorry. I didn't mean to, honest. I should've paid closer attention to what you were saying, especially in your songs and posts from last Spring, and some even before that.

It's not that I wasn't paying attention, because I've never missed a single thing you've posted. It's just that, as I've said, I didn't allow myself to believe the words were meant for me. And I'm still not sure. If I'm wrong, you probably think I'm crazy : "Ahh, there goes Adam again, letting his imagination get carried away". But I'm also basing my assumption on eight years of our unique communication. So maybe there's a chance I'm right. But either way, your songs are so beautiful, Elizabeth.

I wish I'd had a chance to hear your new song more than I was able to. I know you were still working on it. Maybe when you finish it you can post it on Instagram (or I could even see it on Facebook if you ever want to unblock me).

In thinking back to the spirit in which you wrote your songs, especially the Northwoods song, have you ever thought "what if it all could come true"? What if you could be with the person you love? I mentioned this in another blog, but in your lyrics you sing "you're nowhere to be found, in our small town".

If it were about me, you can be sure I'd be found there. Just to be honest with you and put all my cards on the table, I'd relocate for you. If you wanted to be with me, we could live anywhere you wanted. I've been wishing and hoping that song is about me. I guess I've probably said that a hundred times by now, but it can't hurt to say it again. But I'd move to your state, no problem. Just being with you would be home, no matter where we were.

My point is, you didn't write that song out of indifference. You were feeling something very powerful when you wrote it. That's clear not only in your words but in your voice. But what if what you were feeling came true? And why can't it? I say it can.

Have people ever fallen in love over the Internet? They sure have, it happens all the time. People have gotten married after falling in love over the Internet. People have gotten married who have an age difference, too. There's nothing wrong with it, and anyway (sticking up for myself here), I'm not some old geezer. I'm a guy who takes care of myself and is in good shape. We could go on hikes together. We could do everything together. We could share life.

Please keep in mind that I'm not taking any of this for granted. I'm only saying "what if you could be with the person you love? What if it could come true"? I'm saying it can come true, and I'm hoping that person is me. Of course, it would have to start with a dialogue, with you and I talking to each other, but we already had that in 2012. It's not as if we don't know one another. Unless I've been wildly mistaken for eight years, our method of communicating in all this time has resulted in a very close connection between the two of us, psychically, spiritually and in our hearts. I'll say it again : people fall in love over the Internet, sometimes in indirect ways. But in our case, we had that long string of Facebook messaging back and forth in the Summer of 2012, and e-mails too, so it's not like we never talked. We talked a lot in 2012, and I thought we had great conversations about all kinds of stuff, and especially music.

We could talk again, if you want to. It could lead to something wonderful.

I know all of this is a huge extrapolation on my part, but I'm just continuing from the things I've said in the other recent blogs. I love you so much. I'll write some more later tonight.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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