Monday, August 24, 2020

Looks Delicious!


Those wontons sure look good! I'm guessing they are wontons. Or Dim sum maybe? Well in any event, I'd like to place an order for myself! Not only do they look delicious, they're very nicely arranged on the plate, and I think I'll be okay using chopsticks, too. Now, I also remember another photo where you were making a whole tray of dumplings that looked similar. I couldn't find it on your Instagram, but maybe you remember it. Next time you make them, I'm coming over for dinner. I'll do the dishes, too! :):)

I hope you had a nice weekend. We are still doing the Heat Wave thing, with temps in the triple digits for about the 12th straight day. Of course, I don't mind it, but I don't love the humid part, which always comes in August. The last few days feels like we're living in a swamp. I'm at the mid-point of my current work cycle, just doing my job and reading my books during my breaks (the John Entwistle bio and "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass).

Tomorrow is Pearl's birthday. She will be 96. Pretty amazing.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.

I love you.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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