Happy late night, my love. I hope you had a good day. I'm just writing to say hi. I wanna get into the habit of writing every day once again, as I was doing when I wrote about movies. I don't know that I'll go back to that - I haven't even watched a movie for several weeks - but I do want to keep writing because I love to write and don't wanna lose the discipline, and I also love to talk to you! So, when you post I can respond, and on other nights I can just try to write off the top of my head, go on tangents, etc.
Ha! That makes me think of early blogs from the old days. Remember when I would go on tangents and tirades? Lol. Sometimes I would even preface one with a warning, something like "I hate to go on a tirade, but"........and then I'd go on one, about one subject or another. Usually it was about a pet peeve of some sort, haha. I love to write free form, when I have a lot of mental energy and the ideas are coming to me as fast as I can type 'em. It was easier in the old days, when my job was less demanding, but because I am an Inveterate Jabberer, I'm sure I could get back to writing that way if I practiced enough. But yeah, I like to write because I like to talk and communicate.
So what did you think of the Democratic Convention? I know I don't usually talk politics, but this is the most important election in our lifetime and I'm hoping against hope we can beat Trump. I liked your Senator, Tammy Baldwin, and I hope her prediction is right that Wisconsin will go Blue this time around. If we can get you guys, it will offset a possible loss in Michigan. And then if we can get Pennsylvania, that might be enough to win it. Wouldn't it be great to be rid of Trump and the pandemic as the year ends, and ring in 2021 with a feeling of tremendous optimism? My fingers are crossed, and with that I will end my paragraph on politics.
I've been really enjoying the daily Weather Reports on Youtube from David Lynch. He's one of my major heroes, as you know, and since the pandemic began he's taken to posting his reports every morning without fail. He lives in the Hollywood hills, so it's always 10 - 15 degrees cooler there than in the Valley. When you watch him on a regular basis, there is a Zenlike quality to his weather reports because they're almost exactly the same every day, as predictable as our weather here in Southern California. It was 106 here today in Reseda, and super humid, but the quality of the heat was a big step down from Tuesday's Major League Scorcher of 112. That was one of the all-timers in my recollection.
I just started reading a new book, a biography of John Entwistle called "The Ox". I don't read a lot of rock biographies but I chose it because it got really good reviews, and also, while The Who are not one of my very favorite bands, they did make an album called "Quadrophenia" - one of the greatest records ever made - on which John Entwistle contributed one of the greatest bass guitar performances of all time. He died relatively young, in 2002 at age 57, and because his life was an enigma (not much was known about him), the book generated a lot of publicity and thus found it's way into my consciousness. I'm 50 pages in, and am riveted.
What music are you listening to these days? For me, this will go down as the Summer I discovered Buddy Holly, Bobby Fuller, and Gentle Giant. I know that's a weird grouping, and in the case of GG it's a rediscovery for me. I was a fan of their well known "Octopus" album as soon as I began listening to progressive rock in 1974, but I think their music was too complex for me to latch onto at age 14. Maybe not too complex, but too weird? Or not even weird, but odd. Whatever the case, I delved into their catalogue last May after a fortuitous post by my friend Ono, and man I was blown off the map. Since that time I have purchased all 11 of their albums and have listened repeatedly to all of them. Now I will put them at the top of the heap, as great as King Crimson or Genesis or ELP or any of the great progressive rock bands.
Right now, as I'm writing, I am listening to the 3rd Symphony of Anton Bruckner, as played by the Berliner Philharmoniker, conducted by Herbert von Karajan. My Dad got me into classical music, but some things I've discovered on my own, like the symphonies of Bruckner and Mahler, which are lengthy and very heavy and dramatic. Both of those composers were influenced by Wagner, whose operas I've have discovered in the last five years or so. My discovery began with the Overture to "Tannhauser", which KUSC plays all the time. That led me to check out more Wagner, which led to Mahler and Bruckner. Dad might not have approved, as he would have found the music non-traditional and melodramatic, but I love it. For the last few years, I try to go through the Bruckner symphonies at least once. My favorite is #8. The best versions are all by Berliner Philharmoniker and conducted by von Karajan.
It would be so much fun go to a concert with you, whether it was classical or rock n' roll, or whether it was in Madison or Los Angeles.........or New York, Paris or London.
But it would be incredible to be with you at any time.
That's really all I know, except for that I love you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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