Elizabeth, I love your pictures from this morning! That's your favorite field - it's your personal field (natural habitat of the Wild Beth!) - and if I remember correctly it's located close to where you live. Right across the street I think you said. It's so beautiful with all the yellow flowers, and the sound of the cicadas and it makes me happy that you have such a wonderful place to enjoy, so close at hand. From your pictures, it looks like it goes on forever once the field becomes the woods. I would love to go on a hike with you there. That would be very awesome indeed. We could have breakfast together, too. :):)
I just think it's nice to have such a place of peace and beauty. That's what I love about Planet Earth - it just keeps spinning around and doing it's thing, no matter what goes on with human beings. The power of a place like your field speaks volumes about God and nature. It not only takes you away from the tumult, but makes you realize what real truth is, far away from the chaos of the world. One of my favorite things on a hike is just to watch a bird flit from tree to tree. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it, and that's the way all of nature seems to operate. Out in the woods, whether in Aliso Canyon or in your prairie, everything - every critter, every bug, every tree and every rock - operates the same way, day after day, year after year, century after century. And all of them (even the rocks) just seem to know.
They seem to know a lot about Planet Earth.
I think it's a good way to be, to tune in to the same vibes the birds are tuned into, and when you walk at night, to make sure to check on The Moon and Jupiter and Saturn (and Mars and Venus, when available).
You made my day with your pictures, Elizabeth. I trust all is well, and I hope you are thinking about your music, too.
I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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