Won the Gold Medal a little while ago in the Tiredness Competition, a new Olympic Event. It's not very exciting, everybody fell asleep watching it. It's one of those events that they show at 4am. :)
At least I came up with a new Tiredness Metaphor. You will agree that the Shabularity must be considered Negligible for that effort, am I right?
Okay, good. Then we can proceed.
Good singin' in church this morn. It's fun to sing a straight-up harmony line in an old-fashioned 19th century style song. Think "Sweet Adeline". Our song, which was called "That Will Be Glory" was that style of singing - Barbershop Quartet as I said yesterday - just four lines of harmony that blend, with no juxtapositioning of notes or tempo changes or anything like that.
I wanna form a singing group that just does a lot of a capella type stuff. Not necessarily 19th century sounding, but just songs where the vocals are harmony based, with maybe three or four parts. Could be any style. Man, that would be awesome to try. So who's with me?
Elizabeth? Do I get a "yes" on the Soprano voice? :):)
Okay, now to look for an Alto and Bass.........
SB, I hope all is well and that you are looking forward to the holidays, and your birthday. I haven't seen many posts of late, but I am hoping that things are good in Chicago. Even though I've been writing a lot about certain things in my life, and my own perspective on different things (and movie reviews), it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you because of course I am. And you know that when you post, I always respond, and not only that, but I also support everything you do 100% just like I always have.
So even when I am writing about movies or other stuff - even Weird Stuff - just think of me as some utensil that is right there at arm's length, and anytime you need me, all you have to do is reach out and pick me up, so to speak.
I know I just compared myself to a fork or spoon, but then I also know you know what I mean.
And, I am still celebrating my Tiredness Victory, hard won over some Seriously Exhausted Competitors from Poland, Chad and Equador. I went the extra mile to win the Gold, by driving out to Burbank to take my sister Sophie shopping directly after choir practice, and then almost straight back to Pearl's...but with a brief stop at home to read some more of my unputdownable Rudolf Hess book.
Tonight I will get a good night's sleep, and then tomorrow I am gonna write my appeal letter to the Information and Privacy Coordinator at the CIA, vis-a-vis their denial of my FOIA and Privacy Act Request for any information about me in their files.
I have 90 days to appeal (from October 23), and I was gonna wait until the New Year and write it in early January. But the thoughts of what I want to say are rattling around in my brain, and I wanna get them out of there, get them on paper and in the mail. So I will do that tomorrow and things will continue to proceed.
No movie tonight, but I did watch a "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" episode.
Rams won in another blowout, just to get a little bit of sports in.
See you in the morn. Post if you can. :):)
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