Saturday, November 18, 2017

Keaton From Last Night + "Critical Mass", a New Book

Sorry I didn't write last night. It was a bit of a difficult evening, work-wise (dementia is not easy for everyone involved), but anyhow tonight is better and so I am back. Unfortunately, I don't have much to report. No movie tonight, though last night we did see a funny Buster Keaton movie at CSUN, called "Sidewalks Of New York" (1931). It wasn't the all-out Laugh Riot that last week's "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" was, but it certainly had it's moments. Keaton is playing his Wealthy Young Man character again, and this time he becomes a philanthropist to a whole gang of poor street kids in Lower East Side Manhattan. This happens - of course -  because he is in love with a girl whose little brother is the leader of the children's gang. The little brother is being groomed to become a hoodlum by a local adult crime thug. Buster pays to have a gymnasium built so that the kids will have a place to go besides the streets.

In that way, it's part Message Picture. But once the hijinx begin, it becomes a decent if not classic Buster MGM Comedy. Actually, it works better just as a movie, because the story is well developed, the actors are all good, and the script is always moving forward. Included is another classic Buster Boxing Match (as in "Battling Butler"), and a riotous finale that has every kid in the neighborhood helping to chase down the Head Hoodlum and his gang who are trying to get rid of Keaton. The film excels in the final twenty minutes, with choreographed stunts and pratfalls galore. Overall, it gets a single thumbs up from me instead of two, but once again it is nowhere near the bad rap given to it simply because it's a Buster MGM Talkie. It's funny because Buster Keaton personally hated this movie, and you feel like telling him, "Aww, c'mon Buster - it's not that bad".  :)

Elizabeth, if you are reading I hope you had a nice day. I have seen a few posts recently about a collapsible bookcase - an "artistic bookcase" - that has gotten some attention for it's designer. I am wondering if maybe you were the photographer for that project, and if so - congratulations as always, and good work.  :)

No hikes of late, but just began a new book, "Critical Mass" by Carter Hydrick. Did I already mention that? Well anyway, it's the true story about the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. Yeah, I know.......more grim historical stuff, Ad. But it's all just to get the truth out, so that we don't have to be like the Soviet Union and live under a bunch of propaganda and lies.

Because if we continue to live that way - under deception - we will wind up like the Soviet Union.


And so, we need to Tell The Truth about things, and we need to uncover Major Secrets.

And the truth about WW2 is that, near the end of it, there was a lot of US collaboration with Nazi Germany. It is fairly well known now that we imported hundreds of Nazi scientists at the end of the war. One of them, Werner Von Braun, wound up as one of the heads of NASA. He was the main reason we landed men on the Moon. So let's tell the truth; a former Nazi helped us to create the Apollo program. And without him, we might not have put a man on the Moon.

Please note that I am not endorsing a Nazi, or Nazis, but simply suggesting that the truth about collaboration be put into history books and school books. The truth is complex, because the Nazis were horrible people, but not all were as horrible as others. Those that were not as horrible may have been still complicit though, like some of the scientists we imported.

And we got the uranium for our atomic bomb, the one we dropped on Hiroshima, from Nazi Germany.

It's a long story, but it's a fact, detailed in Carter Hydrick's "Critical Mass".

I want my life to have some meaning, and If there is one thing I want my life to be about, at this point, it is the Uncovering Of Secrets, because secrecy is a Destroyer. Secrecy allows Secret Keepers to retain certain knowledge that keeps them in power and subjugates everyone else to a position of ignorance.

"Osama Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11". "Oswald Killed Kennedy". "McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City".

Those three stories are a bunch of baloney. Dedicated researchers have proven them so. If you don't believe me, then pull up a chair, start your IQ, and read the books for yourself.

Here's a couple more :

"The United States developed the atomic bomb", and "The United States was the first to put men on the Moon".

Those stories are half-truths. Yes, we were the first to do both, "in the name of the United States", and there is no doubt that the USA had genius programs in both cases, in the Manhattan Project and in the NASA Mercury/Gemini/Apollo programs to ultimately put a man on the Moon.

But what is left out of both of those stories, in American history books and school books, is that we used Nazi scientists to help us achieve both ends, and not only that, but without those Nazis, we would neither have had an atomic bomb to drop on Japan, nor would we have landed a man on the Moon as soon as 1969.

Again, I am in no way championing Nazis. Just pointing out the collaboration in the name of the truth.

That is all for tonight. See you in the morn.  :):)

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