Not much to report tonight. No movie. I did have a nice hike at Limekiln this afternoon, but it was just a quickie. This evening, my friend David F. came over for a CSUN walk. That was pretty much it for the day, except for reading Dr. Farrell's latest book "Hess and The Penguins", about Hitler's famous (or infamous) Deputy who flew to England in 1941, supposedly on a "peace mission", and then who was tried at Nuremberg after the war and sentenced to life in prison, which he spent in a facility called Spandau. For many years he was the only remaining prisoner in the building. It was big news when he died in 1987, at the age of 93. The "official story" was that he committed suicide by hanging himself with an electrical cord, but we all know how accurate "official stories" are. Dr. Joe's book points out the testimony of his prison doctor, who mentions something that I, as a caregiver, find to be very telling. The doctor says that it would have been next to impossible for Rudolf Hess to hang himself, as he was so elderly and so crippled with arthritis that he could not stand up on his own, nor raise his arms over his head. As a person with experience in caring for the elderly, I find this to be an accurate statement.
So of course Hess was murdered. The question is why. The answer lies somewhere in the midst of the secrets of WW2. Hess knew secrets about something that the British Home Office had him killed for, even though he was 93 years old. I don't care what the guy was guilty of - which in Hess' case was a lot - I think it takes a special kind of coward to strangle a 93 year old man. At 93, leave him to God to deal with.
Sorry to be so grim, but I didn't have a movie to write about tonight, and you know that when I am not watching movies, I am reading books about Uncovering The Truth about recent historical events (recent meaning in the last hundred years or so), because we are finding that in many instances, the "official versions" of events in a given situation are A Bunch Of Baloney.
We are learning about Secret Agencies, and Secret Agents who "get things done" behind the scenes.
Much happens Behind The Scenes when an event of historical importance takes place. The public is then Given The News of What Has Happened, but there are two factors that must be weighed when considering the value (or worthlessness) of official "news media" news. Factor #1 is that, in most cases, in events of historical importance - i.e wars, assassinations, genocides, horrific acts of terrorism ala 9/11 or Oklahoma City - the news media must rely on Officialdom, i.e. the very agencies in question, to tell them what has happened. When something like 9/11 happens, it is not the police who investigate. It is the FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies that have their own way of doing things, and these ways of doing things are not known to the general public.
These agencies, especially the CIA, deal almost entirely in secrecy, for two reasons. One is that they don't want the bad guys to know what they are doing. And the other reason is that they don't want the public to freak out.
So to continue what I was writing about in the paragraph just above the previous brief one, there is a Second Factor involved in why the "news" from the General News Media may not be trustworthy.
And that relates to Factor #1, above. The news media can only get their stories nowdays from "officialdom", and yet "officialdom" works in secret, which they would say is out of necessity.
So when Dick Cheney comes on TV, just a few days after 9/11, and tells you that Al Queda did it, you have two choices if you are a member of the American Public. You can either say, "He is right. He knows. I trust him. End of story", and then you can watch and listen to all the side stories and follow up stories on corporate controlled CNN (or Fox, MSNBC, et al), or you can say, "hmmmm.....we have had so many questions about so many events in the last century that I am not sure I believe what he is saying, especially when I factor in a, b, c, and d. Examples of evidence that I saw with my own eyes on television".
And so much more, because if you are a person like me, and you read tons of books on the subject(s), you are left with Zero Doubt about the way things work, and the way the truth about major events is disseminated to the General Public.
Here's the deal : The Truth is held onto as a Holy Grail by the people who actually Know The Truth, in any given situation of major importance in the last century. They hold it and do not want to let it go. This has been especially true since the advent of electronic media (telephone, radio, TV, computer, et al). Before electronic media, it was a lot easier for Secret Agencies and Secret Societies to keep their secrets. Nowdays, and for the last century, they have to do it through media manipulation.
So when Something Happens, like 9/11, or even going back to the death of Rudolf Hess (who knew all the Nazi secrets) the News Media tells you what has happened. And they, in turn, are told what has happened by the agencies who investigate the major events of world history. You and I weren't there, and so how can we know for sure?
Intuition, trust or distrust, and our own research become important tools.
Otherwise, so-called "History" - the stuff that is actually a Bunch Of Baloney made up by Secret Agencies, in some cases, or perhaps in many cases, becomes "Official History", just because someone like Dick Cheney or the British Home Office said it happened that way.
Screw that.
Right? :)
Well anyhow, that's why I do my reading and research, on nights when I am not watching movies.
See you in church in the morning. We've got an easy song, four part harmony like a Barbershop Quartet.
Elizabeth, I hope you had a nice day. :):)
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