I just read back last night's blog, and I guess that I more or less covered the episode of "D" And His Starter Pistol. We know who ordered him to carry out his weird little escapade that afternoon, and we also know that is was a form of "play acting", in this case likely ritualistic or with some occult significance. I suppose that other pertinent questions could be asked, including :
1) Where and when did "D" get his Starter Pistol? After all, it's not something that the average person goes down to the gun store to buy, if you can even buy one at a gun store. Now, "D" worked as a carpenter in the motion picture business. He worked on sound stages and was in proximity to movie props. So it's quite possible he picked up his gun, which fired blanks, on a movie set.
2) How did "D" become caught in the web of The Feds, so that they could force him to carry out his task in the first place? I don't know the answer to this question, but I do know "D" made a few other appearances during the course of the 12 day 1989 events, and on only one of those occasions did he appear to be acting independently. That was at the Wilbur Wash house, just prior to it becoming the site of the Wilbur Wash Event. I know this stuff is ultra-confusing, seemingly nonsensical and boring, but I must press onward. One afternoon during the 12 days, "F" came over to 9032 Rathburn. "F", you will recall, was - with "D" - a close associate of the sociopathic Gary Patterson. "F" was an addict, you could see how deep he was in. But "D" was more clever. He didn't do a lot of hard drugs, just smoked pot and dealt coke in significant, if not enormous, amounts. But both were closely associated with Gary, and one Sunday afternoon (I think it was a Sunday), "F" came over to my house and asked me to accompany him on a pot run.
I was in a state of shock, having already been through the experience at Concord Square. I remember telling "F", "no, I can't go with you. I have to stay home. I think I had a heart attack".
You can be in a state of shock and still function. "State Of Shock" means that you are inside yourself, mostly numb to the outside world. But if someone is talking to you, you can respond coherently, and you can get in a car. What you become, in a state of shock, is an Automaton. You are on automatic pilot, walking and talking but very much shut down inside, and weakened in spirit. You are in survival mode : wanting to avoid any confrontation, but eager to please if confrontation or intimidation does arise. You will go along with Bad Guys when you are in a state of shock.
When you are in a state of shock, if someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, you might protest. But if they hammer the point, and keep asking, insisting.....
Then you will say "fuck it", and you will go with them, because you are weak and you are trying to take the path of least resistance.
That is what happened to me on the Sunday afternoon in question. It could have been the afternoon of September 3rd, or it could have been a week later, September 10th. It's very hard to figure out the sequence of events, because each one was so extreme, but my guess has always been that the Wilbur Wash event came near the end.
When I reluctantly accompanied "F" on his pot deal that day, I very quickly wished I had not, because "F" had brought me to a trap. His pal Gary Patterson was at the Wilbur Wash house, and so was "D".
"D" and Gary Patterson were in the process of making a deal, of trading a gun for cocaine. I was unfortunate enough to witness this, and so I paid a huge price yet again.
I wrote about all of this in my book in 2006, and it wipes me out to write about it again, but I have only me on my side. I have no one else but me. Because no one else gives a flying.......well, you know.
But I think that's where "D" got pulled in by The Feds, at The Wilbur Wash.
"D" is the only person, besides "K" way back in 1994, to make even a miniscule acknowledgement of What Happened In Northridge In September 1989. I don't count their statements as real acknowledgements because they were inadvertent. They did not come out, of their own volition, and say these things to me, but only said them because I pressured them.
As you might recall, "K" back in June '94 said to me, when I asked her what was happening that seemed so bizarre, "you know how sometimes in life, when something happens that you can't do anything about, that you just have to blow it off? Where something is bigger than you are? This is one of those things".
And in September 2006, I confronted "D" with my memory, of him and his starter pistol on that day in September 1989.
Me : "Don't you remember? You drove up, got out of your car, right there on the corner. You had a gym bag, and you pulled handcuffs out of it, and a gun".......I described the whole thing to him, while he became more and more nervous and distracted. He didn't make eye contact with me, but he did finally make a reply.
"It seems like a dream".
That was "D"'s reply to me, on that day in September 2006.
Less than a year later, he would deny ever making that statement, and would tell at least one person that "it never happened" and that "Adam has organic brain damage", which in his estimation from me taking drugs.
Kinda sounds like Trump, now in 2018, lashing out at his accusers as the noose tightens.
But I digress, and I am tired.
We will say goodbye to "D" for the time being, though we will soldier on with 1989, looking for new angles. I know it's super boring, but it's so important in the scheme of things.
See you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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