Tonight we are gonna go straight to the Surveillance Discussion so that I don't run out of steam after writing a long movie review. I did watch a movie, but we will tag that on to the end of the blog, just for tonight. Also, I don't wanna write a big preamble to explain the context of the surveillance, so I am assuming everyone is up to speed on the subject. If not, read recent blogs about 1989.
Okay, so where were we? Oh yeah : who called the Feds? Why were they at the apartment complex within an hour or two of the disturbance therein?
We have established that none of the three people involved in the disturbance would have called them, and we have established that none of the other residents of the large apartment complex would have called them, because no one calls the FBI, or CIA, or any other Federal agency to report a domestic dispute. But here is something else :
They not only arrived quicky at the Concord Square apartment complex, but they also arrived, if my memory serves me right (and I am sure that it does), at Northridge Hospital.
In a helicopter.
Let me explain. I have been writing about 1989 since 1998 when I first came online, and one of the first memories I ever wrote about on the Internet was something I called The Sean Young Car Ride. I use her name because she is a public figure (an actress), though little known now, and because I have no idea whatsoever what she was doing at the apartment building in the immediate aftermath of the domestic disturbance. But there she was on the night of September 1st, 1989. I saw her in front of the building that night as I was being taken outside to an ambulance, and in recent years I have parked in front of that building to try and verify my memory. You can Google "Concord Square Reseda" for street view. I have parked directly in front of the entrance gate, which is where I first saw Ms. Young that night, and I have meditated on my memory of seeing her there on the night in question. I have parked and meditated probably on at least a dozen occasions - because it seems so bizarre to me that she would have been there, and even though I have always been 100% certain she was there, in 2015 I felt the need to go to the building and try to re-visualise the memory . As you know, I am highly psychic, and I have learned to self-meditate for memory recall, and I have stood in front of the Concord Square building, at the front gate, and I have pictured Mary (her first name that she now goes by) right there in the entryway, near the buzzer that opens the gate.
She was standing there and arguing with one or two men, telling them she had to get in to the building.
I am 100% certain of this. Why she was there, I have no idea.
But she wound up driving the car that took me to Northridge Hospital. In the passenger seat was "A", a nurse and relative of "X", who had made the decision to take me to the hospital. My heart had been stopped by electric shock from a stun gun, and I had been revived by paramedics, who released me into "A"'s care. And "A" decided that I should be taken to the hospital. The fourth person in the car was "L", a close friend of "X". "L" was in the back seat of the car with me. Mary drove, and "A" was in the front passenger seat.
We had experienced the horrible violence of the Howard Schaller incident, when "X" had briefly been inside the car with us, and all five of us had been trapped in the Northridge Hospital parking lot. "X" had gotten out of the car - shockingly - to deal with Schaller. I had gotten out as well. Howard attacked "X", and "X" fainted. This took me years to remember. An ambulance came and gave oxygen to "X", who was in shock. This took a while, and that was the last I saw of "X" until the event at the Wilbur Wash many days later. I think that "X" may have been taken to the hospital that first night after being attacked by Schaller, but I am not sure.
What I am sure of is that, after the aftermath in the parking lot was settled, and after "A" made sure "X" was okay, and in the good hands of paramedics, "A" got back into our car. All of this had taken a while, and I was not successfully seen at the hospital because of the violence, but we were seated in the same way inside the car as we departed the parking lot, with Mary driving and "A" in the front passenger seat, and "L" and myself in the back. They tried to take me home to 9032, which "A" thought would be the next best option after the hospital, but when we got there, no one was home. Not my parents nor my brother. "A" didn't feel it was safe to leave me there by myself, considering the state I was in, so she got back in the car and we headed back down Reseda Boulevard, going south.
And this is where my major memory of what I used to call The Sean Young Car Ride comes in big time.
When my memories were coming back to me in 1997 (having begun to come back in 1993), I remembered, as if I were watching it happen in real time, that as we approached the intersection of Roscoe and Reseda Boulevards, that night after we departed from my house, we were stunned to see something unusual taking place in the intersection. Roscoe and Reseda are both wide boulevards. Northridge Hospital is in fact located just yards east of the southeast corner of that intersection (and again, please Google Street View for confirmation). I doubt that we were headed back to Northridge Hospital, after the chaos we'd recently experienced there. I think that we were just heading back, perhaps, to the original location of the apartment building, where "A" and "L" had parked their cars. Perhaps they were trying to figure out what to do with me.
But as we got within 100 yards of the intersection of Roscoe and Reseda, we saw that it was blocked off. It was blocked off in a square, by police cars if I remember correctly. If police were on the scene at the intersection, they would have been under order of the Feds. Such things are never seen by the public - or very rarely seen - but what we saw I believe was unprecedented.
The large, square intersection was completely blocked off so that a helicopter could land in the intersection.
And it was in the process of landing, right as we were driving up. You could see the copter, about 30 feet off the ground, trying to land with high tension wires on all sides. But those pilots are the world's best, from the military. That pilot was coming down real slow, but also a little herky-jerky because he was trying to avoid the wires.
Meanwhile, we were simultaneously closing in on the intersection. We had already had the living daylights scared out of us by Howard Schaller at the hospital, and it had become a Nightmare Night.
And now, as we drove south on Reseda, suddenly we heard the "whump whump" of the chopper blades, and we saw it's blinding lights, and we saw the police car blockade at ground level....
We saw all of this all at once. And everyone in the car freaked out.
What triggered my memory of all of this was the very specific detail that Mary had to drive on the wrong side of the street to avoid the blockade. "A" and "L" were yelling at her to "go around it, just go"! And she did, by sheer reflex. She drove onto the wrong side of the street on Reseda Boulevard and made a left turn into the parking lot of the 7/11 store there on the northeast corner. She just did it on autopilot, because all of this happened so fast. Then, she drove through the small 7/11 lot and exited onto Roscoe Boulevard, and we kept driving, scared half to death by now, and we ended up back at the Concord Square apartment complex at Sherman Way and Lindley in Reseda, about two miles from Roscoe and Reseda.
But we had seen a helicopter landing in the intersection of Reseda and Roscoe! Right next to Northridge Hospital. It was freaking surreal, and it left everyone in the car in a state of terror.
The night had begun on a terrible, but relatively normal, experience of a domestic disturbance, the details of which are easy to imagine as they occur every day, hundreds of times across the country.
But now, we who were in the car felt that we had entered The Twilight Zone.
First we had experienced a madman at Northridge Hospital.
Then, maybe an hour later, as we returned in the direction of that hospital, we witnessed a helicopter landing in the blocked off intersection.
Some kind of emergency was taking place.
A Federal Emergency.
Caused by what? A fight between three young people in an apartment?
That makes no sense.
What about a drug deal?
That makes no sense. It would have to be the biggest drug deal in history to warrant such a response.
It is interesting to note that the Feds responded to both locations : the Concord Square apartment building and also the intersection next to Northridge Hospital, where they landed a helicopter in a move you don't see everyday.
In getting back to the subject of surveillance, how did they know what was going on?
Why would they land a freaking helicopter at the hospital, just a half hour or so after we had left there, so that "A" could try to return me to my house?
What was the big emergency for these Federal Agents?
It is clear that they were surveilling a situation involving me, and "X", and perhaps Schaller. But it still makes no sense.
Prior to that night, I was just a 29 year old Joe Schmoe. I was depressed about my relationship and went down to Concord Square on the night of September 1st, 1989 to try and straighten things out.
I was not a criminal, let alone someone who would be on a Federal watch list. I was just Joe Blow. And "X", as I have reported, was just a college student, a non-drug user, though likely involved in something having to do with drugs via Mr. D and Howard Schaller.
So why would Federal Agents respond to such a situation?
There can only be a couple of reasons.
They were either responding because of something having to do with "X", or they were responding because of something having to do with me.
With "X", the only thing I can imagine is that she somehow got caught in a trap with the Feds. How, I have no idea. And it makes no sense to me in any event, drug deals notwithstanding.
As for myself. vis-a-vis the emergency response of the Federal Government that night, and it was indeed an emergency response - an extreme response - I have often engaged in a thought experiment, and in that experiment I have wondered, "what would have happened if I had never gone down to Concord Square that night"?
I imagine that nothing would have happened. Nothing special anyway. Nothing major. I imagine that, if I had stayed home that night, that "X" and "T" would have stayed in "T"'s apartment by themselves, and I would have been at home by myself, and no Federal agents would have responded to anything, because there would have been no trouble.
But in reality, there was trouble. I did go down there, and there was trouble.
I caused a huge scene, and as a result I got electrocuted with a stun gun, and I almost lost my life.
I came fairly close to dying that night, before I was revived by a paramedic.
So what were the Feds responding to?
What were they surveilling?
It doesn't make sense that Feds - the huge bureaucratic agencies of this country - would make an emergency response over a local, low-to-mid level drug deal. That would be police business. Feds would have nothing to do with that, unless "X" was involved in something I cannot imagine, what again makes no sense.
So, while I am sure that bad guys, in some situation involving "X", were indeed being survielled, I think that the Feds responded because it was their mess. It was something under their observation, and now.....somebody had almost died.
That's why I think they responded so fast, because I almost died, and then a little while later, "X" was attacked and nearly beat up by Howard Schaller in the Northridge Hospital parking lot.
Now, with whatever they were surveilling, the Feds saw that the situation was out of control, and people were almost getting killed.
And so they showed up, very fucking fast. And they shut down the police department as far as jurisdiction went. And they put the hammer down, the Federal Hammer, which you would have to see to believe just how powerful it is, and how weird, and how secret, and how frightening.
They were either watching something involving "X", some situation I was not and am still not aware of, or they were watching me, and I was just an unemployed schmo at the time.
We will try to keep breaking things down further, and because I went into such depth tonight, I will give a brief review of "Judex" tomorrow night.
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :):)
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