I finished the Unabomber miniseries tonight, and I give it my absolute highest recommendation as a thoroughly fascinating study of the FBI's all-out effort to catch the unknown bomber through the use of profiling. The series also gives us a look into the mind and message of Ted Kaczynski, as described in previous blogs. I Googled James Fitzgerald after I finished the show tonight. He's the now-retired FBI profiler whose work on the case was central to identifying Kaczinski. It turns out that he has a Masters Degree in Linguistics from Georgetown. There is no information that I can see which clarifies when he got his degree, but from seeing the show and the information presented on his life and work history initially as a Philadelphia police officer, I am guessing that he got his Masters in Linguistics later in life, likely post-Unabomber case.
In any event, it's an extraordinary thing to watch a well made dramatization of a Federal operation of this magnitude. The show gives you a good idea of how the Feds work, which is a subject that - as you know - I am interested in.
To be clear once again, I am 100% in support of the Federal Government system in the United States. I support the Office Of The Presidency, the Department Of Justice, the Military, our Congress, and the whole system. I also support the CIA 100%. America needs protection from without and within, and we need the best and the brightest, the most capable people, to provide that protection.
I myself could have been in the FBI or the CIA, had my life circumstances been different. And had those circumstances been different, and had I wound up in the DOJ or CIA, I would have performed at a high level and with high standards ala James Fitzgerald, the agent who caught the Unabomber. I was watching the final two episodes of the show tonight, and I thought - he's my hero!
And that's because I love justice. I love when things are made right.
Conversely, I hate Bad Guys with a black passion. And that passion extends especially to Bad Guys who operate under color of authority. Bad Cops, Bad Feds......Bad CIA Directors and their evil programs. That is why I tirade about Allen Dulles and the CIA of the 1950s, or about the Presidency of LBJ. It's why I stress the need for a major study of the root understanding of the sociopathic mind.
If we look at history, we see that - in the most horrific situations in which humanity has found itself - almost every time a sociopath has been the dominating power who caused the situation to come into being.
Hitler. Stalin. Mao.
All sociopaths, without conscience, without human feeling for others. Ultra-aggressive and charismatic. Manipulative.
Here in America, in recent times, we had Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson. Read about these men if you will. I read about them because I am interested in the truth about things, and because I am interested in how these men - who were terrible for America - came to power in the first place.
I am interested in understanding the Dominator Personality, those who have a desire to subjugate others, or to do even worse.
Well, anyway, I'll get off my soapbox because I know I can become tiresome when I stand up there for too long. :) Two humongous Thumbs Up for "Manhunt : Unabomber" and James Fitzgerald, however. He inspired me to really try and break down, yet again, the available clues for 1989, and to be observant and to focus on the finest details of the anomalies that stand out. I will be doing some more 1989 blogs very soon, in which I will be interested in the question of why the Federal agents were so quickly upon the scene at the Concord Square Apartments on the night of September 1st.
For tonight, though, I also wanna say that we are having, weatherwise, one of the most beautiful Februarys I can recall, perhaps the most beautiful. I know that some folks might not agree, because it is anything but Winter (even a SoCal Winter), but so far this month, the mornings and afternoons have been picture perfect, 80 degree blankets of sunshine and velvet air. I have taken to pushing Pearl to church in her wheelchair instead of driving, as it is quicker and easier because she only lives two blocks from the church. So it's easier than getting her in and out of the car just to go two blocks. And today, I took her to her Golden Agers meeting, which she hadn't been able to go to since Christmas because she caught the flu then, and it wiped her out. But since then, we have had her on a vitamin regimen, and mild exercise rehab, and she is doing really well. She has been able to get back to all of her activities slowly but surely. Not too shabby for a lady who will be 94 in August.
But today, I was pushing her to church in the wheelchair instead of driving. It's only a five minute push, but I thought - because of the Velvety Weather - that it felt to me like being in an old movie, from times past, perhaps in a small town setting or maybe in the Old West. I said to Pearl, "Hey Pearl, in the old days, in a small town, everybody walked to church". And that's what we were doing this morning in the gorgeous February weather.
Elizabeth, if you are reading I hope you had a nice day too. I haven't seen many posts lately, but I did see one today about Sarah's new dog. It made me happy because I am always thinking of Kobi, and even though I miss him, I feel like he is with me, even to the extent that I find myself mumbling to myself about him absentmindedly, or rewriting songs I hear on the radio so that the lyrics are about The Koberdober.
Dogs Rule The World, and that is basically the end of the story.
See you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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