Sigh. I mentioned last night that I was hoping to be germ-free by this morning, though I was aware that the current flu bug was no slouch. Unfortunately, that turned out to be the case. I wound up with a pretty good dose of it, and though the Wellness Formula has kept my symptoms at about a 5 on a 10 scale, I still felt fairly crummy today, mostly in my congested head, which felt like it was filled with cement. Now i can really feel for people who got a worse case of it than I did, cause mine is bad enough. I tried to cover all the bases in order to stay flu-free, and I was stylin' there for a while, but it just goes to show that you can pick it up anywhere, most likely by touching something with the germ (or virus, not sure which) on it. I imagine the grocery store is prime flu bug territory as far as touched objects go.
At any rate, I'm hangin' in there and hope to be ship shape soon, maybe even by tomorrow. The Wellness Formula is a Godsend, cause I know I'd be down for the count without it.
No walkin' today, and no movies or shows. I did read a lot, however. I am working on three books, all of which I might have mentioned : "The Monuments Of Mars" by Richard Hoagland, "The Beatle Who Vanished", about drummer Jimmie Nicol, and "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon" by David McGowan, a look at the very strange interworkings of the Laurel Canyon music scene in the mid-60s, which spawned The Byrds and Buffalo Springfield, and created the Hippie Movement on the Sunset Strip. Many folks believe that Hippies began in San Francisco, but that is not the case. The whole scene was begat right here in Laurel Canyon, by musicians and their followers who more often than not - according to the fascinating "connect-the-dots" research of author McGowan - had family backgrounds that involved military intelligence, most often involving a given musician's father. Frank Zappa's dad was a chemical engineer at Edgewood Arsenal, where MKUltra experiments were done in the 1950s. Frank himself went to school on the base until age 7. Jim Morrison's Dad, was - as is now fairly well known - the Admiral in charge of the Navy fleet that was in place in the Gulf Of Tonkin, when a faked incident took place that allowed Lyndon Johnson to begin the Vietnam War.
Zappa and Morrison were both phenomenally gifted musicians, but as documented by author McGowan, there was something "magically fortuitous" about their respective rises to the top. They had connections, in other words, and not just musical connections.
Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison are just two of the dozens of musicians and assorted weird characters who populate this incredibly sordid story.
The story of the Laurel Canyon scene in the 1960s is a tale of drugs and death, of very persuasive military connections to the forming of the "Hippie Scene", as a means to make young people look ridiculous and wasted on LSD, and thereby discredit what had been a legitimate anti-war movement run by clear headed college students in the early '60s.
Author McGowan doesn't document his research; you have to take him at his word, but when you've read and experienced as much as I have, it doesn't take much suspension of disbelief to see that he is more or less right on the money. The story of Laurel Canyon is a horror story, basically. The irony is that so much great music was produced, although in the cases of some of the bands, McGowan suggests that their tunes were provided "ready made" by outside writers in order to catapult them to stardom and thereby spread the suddenly sprouted "Hippie" message of "free love" and LSD consumption, which helped to destroy the anti-war movement.
It's a story so horrific and demonic, for the activities these people engaged in, that I recommend it only for the non-squeamish. I was just a kid in the '60s, and it was the most amazing decade I've ever lived through. Anyone my age would agree, I think. Each year in the 1960s felt like five years because so much was happening on all fronts, political, social, cultural, technological. You name it.
But as a kid, I was watching the teenagers ahead of me. The music powered their generation, and I loved the music from the day I was born practically. So it is quite a revelation to read this book, and to see that perhaps a lot of planning went in to the creation of that music as a whole, and of the creation of the entire Hippie scene, and Flower Power and all of that.
The author contends it was all manipulated into being by military intelligence, which sounds ridiculous on the surface. But when you are as aware of how widespread the tentacles are, of said Intelligence networks, and when you are aware of how mass media manipulation has been orchestrated by the CIA since 1947 or even earlier, through their ownership or infiltration of news media, then the story of Laurel Canyon does not seem so ridiculous, or even surprising. Instead, it seems very believable.
I give "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon" my highest recommendation, even though the author does not provide verification for his sources. What he does do, is to give you all the information you need to put it all together on your own. It's very easy to do so because his research is so good, and this story will give you an idea of how America really works. What you will see is that no project is too big, too outlandish or too unthinkable for American Intelligence Operations to conceive of, or to execute.
The amazing thing is that the music was so good, from The Byrds to The Doors to Zappa, to Love and the Beach Boys, and many others. But the trail of drugs, death and destruction was just as real. It was the Dark Side of the 1960s. ////
I wanna get back to 1989, and the story of "D", my long-time friend who wound up putting a starter pistol to the back of my head during that terrible span of days in September 1989. I don't have the energy tonight, but as soon as I am feeling better - maybe tomorrow - I want to explore the unusual aspect of "D"'s actions that day.
After all, I don't imagine that most folks wake up in the morning and think, "Gee, I'd better head over to my friend's house to handcuff him and shoot him in the head with a starter pistol".
"D" himself indicated that he had been forced to do it.
I believe that he was forced to participate in a ritual game, of the type that Skull and Bones might play, or some other elite occult organisation.
Why else shoot someone in the back of the head, execution style while they are kneeling (with handcuffs for good measure) - with a starter pistol, which fires blanks?
Unless it was done to perform a mock "execution", which is the type of gamesmanship that Skull and Bones or the Masons might come up with.
Those guys like games, and they like the Occult.
We will break down the actions of "D" a little bit further as my flu subsides, and we will explore his connections to drugs, as they figure into the 1989 scenario.
See you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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