Overslept by 45 minutes because of the time change, but hauled major league booty and still made it to church on time with Pearl in tow. He shoots, he scores. And the singing was good, too. Now I am toast, and writing the blog in my sleep. I'll check it in the morning and see what I dreamed I had to say.
No movie tonight, but I did watch an episode of "Rawhide" from Season Two, which I am just beginning. You are probably up to Season Three or Four by now, but you are probably not pounding movies all week and trying to squeeze in an episode of "Twin Peaks" every Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You thus have more time to watch episodes of "Rawhide" and are likely a season or two ahead of me, but I will catch up, I promise. Speaking of "Twin Peaks", I forgot to mention that I watched Episode 5 last night. I am now almost one third of the way through the series, and it seems to me that we are not gonna be delving into the old TP story too much, though Lynch is giving us bits and pieces of it to satisfy our nostalgia. You may know all of this already if you saw the show on cable last year, but I am just now seeing it, and it looks like the whole series is gonna be about "What Happened To Agent Cooper" instead of "Who Killed Laura Palmer". It's been about 80% Kyle McLachlan so far.
I love it of course. But you already knew that. :)
Started a new drawing this evening, after "Rawhide" was over. You already know that I have no conventional sketching talent, can't draw perspective and can only execute the most rudimentary representations of, say, a tree or a house.
But what I can do is go in the other direction. I can't draw in the technical sense, which requires training and natural talent as prerequisites, and then requires the artist to focus that knowledge and skill as he or she starts work.
Me, I can't do any of that, so I just go from the inside, where I do know stuff related to the subconscious, and I allow my inner energy to work outward, and come out onto the white sketchbook page through my arms and hands. It's a psychic energy thing, just getting into the zone and seeing what comes out. It isn't haphazard, though. You know that I always must emphasize that I am never just fooling around, in anything I do. I don't say this to aggrandize myself, but just to maintain a standard.
That standard is : try to always do things at a high level, even if you are not trained in a particular art, science or discipline.
So when I draw, I am serious about it, even though on the surface I have no reason to be. After all, if I can't draw.......what am I gonna draw?
I've been doing it, off and on in the Tiny Apartment, since 2016. My apartment is So Tiny that my drawings, all of which I have mounted on black 99 Cent Store posterboard, are standing all over the place, leaning up against my microwave, and against the wall propped on the edge of my couch. Some are on the floor, hidden behind a chair and propped against my dresser. You would have to see how small my apartment is to believe it, it's part of the new California demographic, but I have still managed to arrange my mounted drawings so that they all have space, even if they all cannot be immediately seen.
My style in 2016 was very fluid and clean. I had a new box of pastels, which produced pure, unsmudged colors in drawings that have a kaleidoscopic look, though they probably aren't as good as looking through a kaleidoscope.
I did 11 drawings in 2016, all in a similar style. They aren't too shabby, if I do say so myself.
Then by 2017 my pastels were all smudged, cause I'd been mixing colors. I don't have the time or patience to do a lot of pastel scraping, so I moved to straight pencil drawings. I was pounding books last year in my off hours, and watching boatloads of movies, so I only made five of those pencil drawings, and they are nowhere near as good as my 2016 works.
So now, in 2018, I am making time for my drawings. Time management is ultra important in the 21st Century, as you know. I am trying to shade things a bit more, to bring out the vagueness of what my scribblings suggest. Most importantly I am trying to let the inside out, but in a more focused way, and I have added new tools, like charcoal sticks, which I can move and twist to form circular and gepmetric patterns. And then I can take my mechanical fine point pencil and "draw" over the top of the shadings. Finally, I can add color with what's left of my pastels. Next year I will purchase a new box.
But yeah.........psychic drawing. That's what I would call it. Taking your subconscious and putting it on paper, but in a focused way.
Starting tomorrow I will have more movie reviews, which hopefully aren't tiresome, but even if they are I will try to think of other stuff that is less so.
Elizabeth, I hope you had a good weekend.
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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